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Okay so I have been doing a TON of work this last week. Mostly script writing, design work etc but I got 6 issues written out. So I'm really hoping to be able to start showing some of that project soon. It's sci-fi based actually.

This is mock of what I am planning for constellations.  I want to use Mayan blue, this dark purple called lunar purple I think and Paynes grey I have (that almost looks black) and mix it in with some  Kyanite Genuine paint that is super cool sparkley without looking fake.

I'll paint the figure in white gouache, it will be a test because it may look jarring as it will be matte, if that does I'll start over and paint it in watered down acrylic.
I may have talked about this, I apologize I'm super jazzed up about this process.

ALSO... Ahhh I added something.
I bought phosphorus paint acrylic  last year for a painting of a striped hyena by a termite mound. It works well and is very transparent over colour... I plan on making the stars and constellation lines painted in this so it will glow when the lights are out... AHHH I know it's gimmicky but my inner 80s child still loves glow in dark and sparkles.




Oh my gosh 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 can’t wait to see the painting. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you, the mock up was super fun so painting this will be a blast!! The Kyanite Genuine paint is so pretty, which before seeing samples I thought Genuine gem stone paint was a odd concept... Now I'm like gimme that paint! :D


If you're able to take a video of the sparkles and glow I'd love to see it when it's done!