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Megan crossed her legs, gazing out into the bustling Seattle streets as she sipped her coffee. The city's steep cost of living was a constant reminder of the sacrifices she had made, but Megan felt content after managing to secure a real job at a small business as an administrative assistant. This was far removed from her previous life. With a gentle lick of her lips, she thought back to all the struggles she’d faced in securing her brand-new body.

Obviously, being in Kevin’s male body wasn’t the easiest thing at first. The random boners and the way she looked at women made it hard not to seem like a creep. But after some time and transitioning, she was finally starting to feel like her old self again. This had been a godsend to her, especially when she considered the fact that she had been a completely different person on the wrong side of the law for way too long.

After years of evading her past, Megan had resorted to extraordinary measures to reinvent herself. After discovering a way to swap bodies with another person, she immediately took the opportunity to use her seductive charm on a willing victim. Women weren’t willing to do this, but there was no shortage of guys willing to get into her pants. All she needed to do was get a guy turned on and intimate enough to activate her magical necklace, an heirloom she stole from a witch during her last scam at a retirement home.

The decision to change her identity had been both liberating and terrifying, especially when she decided to fully transition Kevin’s body into a transgender woman. The constant fear of being discovered had worn her down, prompting her to seek a new life by transitioning her body. The real Kevin would be constantly searching for his old body, so she realized that it was a good time to get some high quality implants and alter her face.

As she settled into her new existence, Megan enjoyed the simple joys of everyday life. With her phone in hand, Megan couldn't resist the urge to take a moment to reflect on her new self. She stared at the reflection on the screen, a beautiful brunette woman who bore little resemblance to her old self. The extensive surgeries she had undergone had transformed her into an extraordinarily beautiful woman, a testament to the power of change and the lengths she had gone to embrace her true self.

She had endured the surgeries with the unwavering belief that this was the only way to break free from the shackles of her past. As she looked at the reflection on her phone, Megan couldn't help but smile. She took every detail of her new self. Her body, once a source of anguish and discomfort after stealing Kevin’s form, had become her permanent home that she was comfortable in.

Megan knew that her past was behind her when she realized that nobody was ever going to find her. She had moved from Canada to the crowded streets of America, and a bright future lay ahead now. She was no longer a person on the run, haunted by the shadows of her past. Instead, she was a woman who had found her place in the world, while Kevin would forever be stuck with the mistakes she’d made in the past.



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