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As Richard sat up in bed to get ready for work, he wasn't sure what was going on with Cathy. Yet the smile on her face while she remained beneath the sheets made him realize that he was loving every bit of it. The two had been really close friends for years, but neither of them were willing to officially date each other until now. They preferred to stay friends, and he was perfectly okay with that. But when she started flirting with him on a nearly constant basis, he noticed that her personality had seemingly changed for the better.

Cathy was an extremely quiet woman who kept to herself. Even after they finished college, she never truly broke out of her shell. She was the artsy and isolated type, though that never hindered their friendship together. They understood what they wanted, and while Richard broke out of his socially anxious shell during college, he always felt a little bad for Cathy. Her personal life had always been hectic when she was growing up, and it wasn't like she came from a healthily functioning family.

Her parents hated each other, and she watched relationships crumble on a nearly monthly basis with her mom's boyfriends. As a result, Cathy did everything she could to make herself look unattractive. She wore baggy clothes and kept her hair up in a frizzy ponytail. But Cathy was a completely different person these days. She wore clothes that showed off her slender figure. Richard was amazed at how fit she actually looked too. He expected her to look like a stick since she didn't seem to eat much, but it was almost like she was taking care of herself. She kept her long hair down, and the makeup that coated her face showed a lot of attention to detail that he hadn't seen in her before.

Richard was wondering if something happened to her, or if she had simply decided to take better care of herself. But it wasn't like she was trying to attract anyone. She just looked incredible, and he couldn't help but admire her for it. It wasn’t long before Cathy made the first move on him, and the two had sex for the first time.

Their time together was nothing short of passionate. Cathy was always shy and timid, but the wild look in her eyes made him realize that there was a wild animal lurking within her heart. She was aggressive, and she loved rough play. It wasn't like Richard was inexperienced either - this was a completely new and different experience for him. He had plenty of relationships in his past. Richard pulled his clothes on and kissed Cathy before heading out of her apartment. He had to go to work, but he promised his new girlfriend that he was going to come back right away for more fun. What he didn't know was that Cathy wasn't actually the same Cathy he'd known for years. It was her body, but not her mind.

Cathy had gone to a unique doctor who promised that he could cure her social anxiety. She paid nearly $10,000 to have a temporary chip implanted into her brain. The chip would slowly alter her brain structure to help make her more confident. Unfortunately, while the chip was temporary, it was only necessary to help download another person's mind into Cathy. Ben was a 79-year-old public speaking instructor at a local community college who wanted a second chance at life, so he decided to put all of his life's savings into a revolutionary way of extending his life.

And now that he was in the body of a woman as beautiful as Cathy, there was no way he was going to give it up. He loved the way he felt whenever he was around Richard, and whenever he felt him inside, everything just felt so right. The new Cathy was loved by everyone now, and it was all thanks to Ben as he remained in bed waiting for his new boyfriend to come back and make him feel like the woman that he was.



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