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"She doesn't remember anything," one of the girls beside Georgia said. "Oh god, Kathy, I hope this fixes itself. We need to get you medical help.” Georgia stared up at the beautiful sky, and she felt pleased to see that her soul had finally latched on to a new body with a promising friend group. Sure, she didn't have her new body's memories, but being a drowning victim was the perfect excuse for losing her memory. After using a soul extraction spell and dying nearly ten years ago in the lake, she remained asleep and trapped within a small patch of water. 

When she originally learned how to do the spell, she had hoped that she would at least have the option to back out and return to her body. Unfortunately, when the spell was used near the edge of the lake, she lost the ability to use any magic or think for herself until a young woman nearly drowned in the lake.

Georgia remembered the way Kathy struggled in the waters as she tried to return to the surface. However, Georgia's soul moved closer and closer, and soon, the tendrils grabbed Kathy's ankles and wrists as Georgia's soul moved through the water and shoved itself into her mouth. She didn’t expect it to be so easy, but as her soul slammed into Kathy's body, she felt a sudden rush of energy. 

Georgia's soul began to wrap itself around the young woman's consciousness and slowly started to replace it with her own. It was like watching a movie of someone else's life, and she had to navigate the memories and sensations as if she were in a dream. She couldn't latch on to any of those memories, but she knew that they were playing before her very eyes. She could feel the way the young woman's legs kicked as she struggled to swim, and she could feel the burn in her lungs as she gasped for air. 

As her soul pushed through the young woman's body, she could feel the way her skin tingled, and her fingers twitched. The young woman let out a scream as bubbles rushed out of her mouth. Among the bubbles was the young woman's soul as Georgia’s soul permanently bound itself to her new body. And as she coughed up water at the shoreline, a group of her new friends stood by her side with worried looks in their eyes. One of the cute lifeguards had given Georgia's new body CPR, and as she looked at his gorgeous body, she felt her entire body starting to heat up. The sight of such a perfect man made her smile, but as her new friends asked her if she was alright, she realized that she didn't have time to flirt with guys. "Maybe later," she thought to herself as she assured the other girls in the group that she was fine.

The lifeguard ended up giving her a card and recommended that they get an ambulance, but Georgia shook her head and insisted that she should just sit and stay away from the water for now. She pretended that she pulled a muscle and that was why she had nearly drowned. The lifeguard, whose name was Alex, seemed fine with it as Georgia's new friends led her to the towels where they'd set their picnic up earlier. The lifeguard ended up calling for an ambulance anyway just in case.

Despite this, she didn’t really care. She could feel the sun beating down on her face, and she felt the sand between her toes. She looked around at her worried friends and realized that she was incredibly lucky that they seemed so concerned and caring. She was in good hands. As she walked, she felt the wind blowing through her wet hair, and she could hear the waves crashing against the shore while they had her sit down. She would continue to pretend to remember nothing, but with time, she would do her own research and learn everything about her new body.



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