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Laurel wasn't shocked at the fact that there were negative repercussions to using magic to harm another person. She knew that there was going to be some sort of punishment. Magic was an evil subject that had been taboo for centuries. What truly shocked her was the potential outcome of overusing magic. She was completely oblivious to the darkness creeping into her soul. 

After all, she was still an entry level student who didn’t understand how a more advanced spell could affect her. The only thing on her mind was actually enjoying herself for once. As an average-looking girl, most guys never approached her. She always took her beauty for granted, so she did all sorts of things through other people that helped scratch that itch. By the time she realized that magic was turning her into a crooked individual, Bernadette used her own magic to switch bodies with Laurel.

Bernadette was her 60-year-old magic teacher who had years of experience as a witch. She frequently helped underground societies persecute evil magic users. People who made others suffer through magic were the lowest of the low, and the punishments were endless and painful. Bernadette had warned Laurel that using magic could lead to persecution, but the young woman wasn't expecting Bernadette to take advantage of her toxic nature.

Running her hands through her new, silky hair, she smirked at Laurel as she attempted to crawl on the ground. Her wrists and ankles were tied together with a magical rope that glowed in the dim lighting of her basement. The triumphant smile over Bernadette's lips made the young woman's skin boil. "You're probably wondering why it's okay that I've used magic like this against you," her former teacher said. "It's mostly because of the nature of your crimes. I'm sorry, Laurel, but using your magic to possess your crush's girlfriends is one of the worst things you can do. Using love magic to seduce men? That's beyond forgivable."

"You knew," Laurel whispered. Her throat felt dry, and her old body made her grimace when she moved. "But why didn't you stop me?"

Bernadette laughed. "Honestly, I knew you were the most likely to use magic in this way," she answered. "That's what I was hoping for. You probably realize this by now. Being in that body really sucks. I was hideous. I was slow. I was slowly dying. But now?" She spun around in her fit body. "Now, I'm the new Laurel. And I have a feeling that people are going to like me a lot more. Nobody likes a bully, Laurel. Always remember that."

"Wait!" Laurel screamed as Bernadette started walking up the stairs. "What about me? You can't just leave me here!"

"Oh, I'll come back for you," Bernadette said. "Eventually. But for now, I think you should reflect on your actions. And maybe, just maybe, if you're lucky, you'll get a chance at redemption."

"You bitch!" Laurel spat. She watched as Bernadette walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Laurel would never be able to see the light of day. Bernadette would further use her own dark magic to prevent Laurel from talking about the body swap. Because of this, Laurel would go on living life through her old teacher's eyes. She would go on thinking that she was the real Bernadette, while her body thief enjoyed making her life her own.



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