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Kayden woke up and felt Bethany's loving arms around her. The two had spent the night together for the fifth night of their summer vacation, and she couldn't help but think about everything they'd gone through. When Kayden found herself trapped in another girl's body, she was distraught. She couldn't believe that Sarah, a girl she bullied for years, had stolen her body. 

Just watching Sarah use her body to make her life miserable made her feel so worthless. She felt horrible for bullying her over all these years, and yet she felt like Sarah had taken things too far. And when she learned that the body swap was permanent, she had to learn how to live her life as the new Sarah. 

Sarah had always been a nerdy girl, but after Kayden started working out, she realized that Sarah wasn't that ugly. Sarah's body was actually very pretty when she wore the right clothes. One of the major things that helped her adapt to her new life was Bethany, another girl she used to bully. Kayden felt horrible for all the suffering she put Bethany through, but as the two talked and lived life together, she realized that she actually liked Bethany a lot. It didn't take long for the two to actually fall in love.

Kayden  saw Bethany smiling at her. "Good morning, Kayden," she said softly, gently caressing her cheek. Kayden leaned in and gave her a soft kiss. "What's up? What're you thinking about?" She could feel Bethany's hot breath on her neck as she pulled away, and it was driving her crazy. She couldn't believe that she had fallen in love with her former nemesis.

"Just thinking about all of this," Kayden laughed. "Sarah's been such a bitch about it all. Being trapped in her body, I can't believe that's how I actually seemed from the outside."

Bethany laughed. "You've really changed since the swap, Kayden. I remember when we used to make fun of Sarah all the time, but now she's trying to ruin your life. You're not anything like her now, and that's honestly a good thing. I love you in her body."

"I know, but it's been so hard. I'm still trying to figure out how to live as Sarah, and on top of that, I've had to deal with so much shit from her."

"It's okay, Kayden. We'll get through this together," Bethany whispered, holding her tight.

Kayden smiled and hugged her new girlfriend closer. College life had been so different after being trapped in Sarah's body for all these months. But with a girlfriend like Bethany, Kayden felt confident that she'd be able to get through it as the new Sarah. Sure, Sarah had stolen everything from her. She stole her family, money, and opportunities away. 

But Kayden was finding all sorts of opportunities coming her way with her new body too. She'd never been in a serious relationship until now, and she'd never truly felt in love until the past four months. And with Bethany by her side, she just felt free and happy.

As she pulled away, Kayden looked deep into Bethany's eyes and felt like she was falling in love all over again. She didn't know how she got so lucky, but she was grateful for this second chance at life. She wasn't a bully or a bitch anymore, and she was determined to make the most of the new life that she'd been forced into.



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