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Carrie observed Sadie with a mixture of awe and curiosity. Where once Sadie's laughter echoed louder than anyone's in the room, she now wore a calm, composed demeanor after apparently “winning the lottery.” The once energetic party enthusiast had now found solace in the quiet corners of libraries and cafes, with books becoming her constant companions whenever she followed Carrie around.

Sadie's transformation had more layers to it than Carrie initially realized. Carrie vividly recalled the nights they would dance until dawn, the days when words would flow freely from Sadie's lips, often without a filter. However, now the once chatty girl was more measured in her words. The tales of wild parties were replaced with stories from the books she read. Carrie noticed that Sadie's conversations revolved around the stories of others, rather than gossipy tales from their town.

Despite being the center of many social gatherings before, Sadie now focused on giving back to the community. The tales of her volunteering at the homeless shelter showcased a mature, compassionate side of her. The joy in her eyes when she spoke of Oscar, her newly adopted puppy, was genuine, untainted by the chaos of her previous life.

As for Taylor, Carrie had mixed feelings. She had hoped introducing Sadie to Taylor would bring joy to her friend’s life. But what followed was a series of events that neither of them had anticipated. Taylor’s alleged abusive tendencies deeply pained Carrie, especially since she had played a role in bringing him into Sadie’s life. She had imagined them to be the perfect couple, but behind the smiles and shared photos lay a reality she had been blind to.

Carrie remembered the first days when she would brush off any minor argument between them as typical relationship issues. But with time, she realized the depth of the problem. Taylor's controlling nature had cast a shadow over Sadie's vibrant spirit. The more Carrie thought about it, the clearer the signs became. The constant checking in, the sly remarks, the subtle taunts – they were all there, and Carrie had failed to see them.

But what mattered now was Sadie bouncing back. Her friend was rediscovering herself, healing, and building a life of her own. Carrie felt a pang of guilt about the Taylor chapter but was relieved to see Sadie moving past it. However, Carrie couldn't help but think about her own role in Sadie's past relationship. 

Could she have been more observant? Should she have intervened earlier? But as these thoughts crowded her mind, she realized the futility of dwelling in the past. What was essential was the present and the bright future that lay ahead for Sadie.

Seeing Sadie thrive was enough for Carrie. It was a testament to the strength of their friendship and Sadie's indomitable spirit. Carrie understood that growth wasn't always about adding experiences but sometimes about shedding past burdens. For Sadie, it was the latter, and Carrie was grateful to witness her friend’s blossoming.

The only concerning thing was learning how Sadie had somehow fallen in love with Taylor’s stepfather. The age gap should have left her feeling weirded out, especially since she was still part of Taylor’s family. She insisted that Taylor lived alone across the country, but seeing the photos of their family reunions troubled Carrie. 

It was almost like she had never distanced herself from Tyler – she was still very much a part of his family, except her personality had changed. But Carrie promised herself that she would trust Sadie’s judgement – after all, this was her life in the end. She could make her own choices.



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