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Delilah smirked when Sadie’s faint words faded into nothingness – the girl had become part of her now. Looking out of the nearest window, the body thief savored every one of her new sensations. She felt the carpet between her toes, the sweet smell of Sadie's lavender body mist, and the warmth of the sun when she opened the curtain. Her new apartment was in the best possible place - she was overlooking a massive lake with trees all around her. Here, she was connected to nature, just as she'd always been.

Delilah loved life too much to leave it. She was over 700 years old. And thanks to her soul necklace, she'd be able to live much longer down the road. She sacrificed her humanity and permanently altered her soul so that she'd always be bound to the mortal plane. She hated the thought of dying, and so she made the ultimate deal with evil spirits. In exchange for eternal life and strength, she agreed to harvest souls of other humans to feed the power of her soul necklace. With every stolen body, the soul necklace would absorb the old inhabitant so she could continue enjoying her life on Earth.

She would always choose the body of the kindest, sweetest person she could find, a nature lover and humanitarian like Sadie. People most connected to nature were often the most worthy vessels to steal. People who were the opposite often had negative energies that would force Delilah away - she'd made that mistake at least a dozen times. 

With nature-loving humans, they were more likely to take her soul in without hesitation, especially when they wore her soul necklace. The girl's innocent soul was delicious, but Delilah was glad that she didn't have to endure any more good vibes than necessary. "Mother?" A voice said in a low voice behind her.

Delilah smirked and saw Sadie's boyfriend at the door. Taylor was staring at her with a blank, dead look. She knew that he hated the idea of losing the love of his life, but as a member of her family, he had an obligation to cater to her every need. It was her wealth, after all, and she was the matriarch of their dynasty. Delilah gave him a hug. "Thank you, dear. You did splendidly."

He pulled away, and Delilah could see the sadness in his eyes. Deep down, she knew her new body had been his intimate partner. But now that she was in her new body, she wanted to ensure that there were boundaries between them. She'd gone down this route before, and it never ended prettily. "What do I do now?" he suddenly asked.

"Anything you want," Delilah said. "You can go back home and be a good little boy. Or you can stay at this apartment. I plan on pretending to be her ... for another six months or so. Then, I'll make all the adjustments I need. Did you keep the journal updated?" He nodded and gave her a notebook full of Sadie's friends and hobbies. "Such a good boy, just like your stepfather. Thank you again, Taylor.”

She loved how loyal he was – but that was to be expected. She provided everything to Taylor’s family – they were only wealthy because of her. Of course, that also meant receiving their undying love and affection. As a lifelong body hopper, Delilah made sure that she had a family of nature-loving individuals in the event that she failed to find a suitable body. Her last body before becoming Sadie had only been 52-years-old, but she knew her time would be short in that body. She was already feeling the effects of old age, and getting something as sexy as this was just what she needed to spice up her personal life up with Brendan, Taylor’s stepfather.

Unfortunately, unlike her past few bodies, she didn’t have any female heirs to move on to. Transferring her accrued wealth would be troublesome since she had so many assets. She was ecstatic when her son was able to find a female body that matched her desired appearance. 

Sadie was the closest thing to her old body’s youth, and she was pleased to learn that she was in peak physical condition. Now, all she had to do was learn everything she could about her new body as she watched Taylor escape to the living room. Closing the door, she began to read every handwritten line in the journal.



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