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The church's grand doors opened slowly. Gal took a deep breath, her heart fluttering with anticipation while the previous night’s text messages sent excitement running through her body. Ever since taking Philip for herself, Carly had been bullying her into stopping the wedding. Philip told her to block the messages, but seeing Carly flounder made her so much happier. She thrived on the fact that she’d successfully stolen him from her. She was supposed to be the one getting married, not Gal. 

The soft hum of the organ filled the air. She could hear the murmurs of the guests, their voices filled with excitement while she tried to walk at a steady pace. She took a step forward, her heels clicking softly against the marble floor while she felt multiple cameras capturing her every move. There was a zero percent chance that Carly wouldn’t see the wedding – the former roommate was so obsessive over Gal’s relationship that it seemed impossible. 

Philip stood at the end of the aisle, looking dapper in his expensive purple suit. Gal's heart swelled with love. She remembered the early days of their relationship, back when she was too afraid to even adopt her female pronouns and name. Now they were here, ready to commit to a lifetime together as husband and wife. The thought made her smile. She felt a rush of gratitude at how the Great Shift made her the happiest she had ever been. Life had thrown challenges her way with the swap, but it had also blessed her with Philip. 

Their first moments of intimacy were still fresh in her mind, as well as her first official date at a quaint café. They had talked for hours after officially becoming girlfriend and boyfriend, eventually losing track of time. Philip had always listened intently to everything she said. Over the past year, they had built a life together that garnered likes and replies from all of Gal’s new friends. 

They had traveled, explored new places, and created countless memories. Philip had been her rock during her transition, especially when he helped her become more comfortable with her “Gal identity.” He had held her hand, wiped her tears, and celebrated her milestones as their friends watched them grow together. Their love was deep, built on trust and understanding that Carly constantly obsessed over.

Gal remembered the nights they had spent talking about their future. They had dreamt of a house with a white picket fence, of kids running around, and of growing old together. She was excited to have as many children as possible once they fully moved to the countryside. The thought of making those dreams a reality now filled her with joy.

The altar was now just a few steps away. Gal's pace slowed, her emotions threatening to overwhelm her. Philip extended his hand, his fingers trembling slightly. She took it, feeling a jolt of electricity. They stood side by side, facing the priest as their beautiful ceremony took place. She looked into his eyes, searching for a sign, and she found it. His eyes were filled with love, with promises of a shared future without Carly, and all she could do was smirk at a nearby camera. She knew the ex-fiancé was watching, and when the kiss finally came, Gal decided to make it extra long for the camera.



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