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But not having somebody like Philip would never be an issue. The two never stopped seeing each other in secret, and the fact that they lived with Carly made everything riskier. It didn’t take long before Carly began to find signs of another woman sleeping with Philip. She was finding underwear that didn’t belong to her, and some of her toys had been used. However, she didn't have any proof, but when she connected the dots, it all made sense. Gal was the only other girl who he was around - he rarely had time to socialize with any other female friends.

Carly told Philip that she knew about her and tried to be patient, but after a few months, she had had enough. She installed a doorbell camera to keep track of everybody who came into their unit, and when she discovered that Gal was the only other girl who came to their shared home, she was livid.

She packed up her things and left Philip's place without a word, leaving only a note that read, "Have fun, but I'm done pretending like everything's ok when I'm not the one you really want. Not sure why you're fucking her behind my back when you know she wasn't always a girl. Cheers."

The part that hurt her the most was how he denied it. She didn't know why he was protecting Gal, and she didn't understand why he was spending more time with her than his own fiancé. They'd known each other way longer, and they had significantly more in common. They were the perfect couple, yet the weeks leading up to their breakup made Carly realize that things weren't picture perfect at all. Their intimacy steadily died down over the course of a month, and their intimate Friday date nights were no longer a thing.

Carly moved in with her old college friend, Ada, and never looked back at Philip ... for the first few weeks. Now that two months had gone by since she broke up with him, she found herself wanting to talk to him. She missed his warm touch and loving kiss. She loved the financial security that she had with him. Carly sighed, looking over her social media timeline, and her eyes locked on a photo of Gal with Philip. She scrolled through the photos and realized that there was a golden ring on her finger. It didn't take long before she found the wedding announcement. That was also when she realized that Philip had unfriended her. "Fucking slut," Carly hissed while she stared into Gal's photo. "You fucking ruined everything..."

"Carly?" Carly's eye twitched as she looked over to Ada staring from the doorway. "You okay?"

She nodded. "Sorry, I'm just pissed. Just found out that Philip's getting married to the girl he was fucking behind my back."

Ada sighed, entering the room to give her a hug. "I'm so sorry - you shouldn't even be thinking about him."

Carly couldn't help but start crying. The warmth she felt from the hug made her bury her face into her shoulder. She tried to listen to Ada's words - she knew she was right. But the more she watched how happy Philip was, the more jealous and obsessive she became. Gal and Philip were constantly doing something, and their social media was plastered with thousands of photos.

It didn't help that Philip and Gal took romantic and sensual pictures and shared them on social media every night. She constantly got updates. These intimate moments included nuzzling and cuddling, gazing into each other's eyes, sharing sweet and loving kisses, and undressing for the camera. All Carly could do was wish it was her.



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