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The beautiful dark hair danced wildly as the former middle-aged man twirled the body of the young woman. Donald marveled at his perfect shape, tracing his soft curves with his newly acquired hands. He playfully swayed his hips while he smiled at himself in the mirror of the clothing room stall. After slipping into his new body while Ellen was shopping, he had to hurry into the closest private space to regain his composure.

The spell had left his head spinning. The last thing he wanted to do was have a medical emergency. He only had a little bit of time before his grandmother's spell wore off. He had asked her for help in ruining his ex-wife's life after she had cheated on him. In his former body, his self-esteem had been lower than ever after the breakup, but with Ellen's body, he felt ecstatic.

Ellen wasn't married anymore, but he knew that she was toying around with dozens upon dozens of men. She was the mother of their child, yet she was acting like she was ten years younger than she really was. If he were still with her, the embarrassment would have killed him. Even the clothes Ellen had picked out were overly slutty. While his ex-wife looked gorgeous, she was a mother - she shouldn't have been so willing to show off her body. Since he was no longer a part of her life, his words didn't mean anything.

But he knew that she was going to cause issues for their kid, especially once he was older. So, Donald was planning on doing the unthinkable. He was going to break up with every single one of her boyfriends and would completely embarrass her over social media. Ellen was always worried about what others thought about her non-physical traits, so making her friends turn against her would be the perfect way of getting her to start acting her age.

After taking a moment to get used to Ellen's body, he began striding towards the main aisle. There were customers everywhere, and he was surprised when he began feeling the urge to try on every item in his size. He wasn't expecting her body to alter his mind so easily. And once he walked by an attractive male cashier, the area between his legs began to feel warmer and warmer. While he left the store, his hips swung back and forth more aggressively, and he flashed more of his cleavage to the male shoppers while he walked with more confidence. 

The thrill of it all felt so amazing. Being in his ex-wife's body felt surreal. Donald could sense her inner desires bubbling to the surface, and he was savoring every moment of it. He couldn't believe how horny his ex-wife's body was. Slowly but surely, he began to understand why she acted the way she did. She naturally felt young and horny despite being 35-years-old. And when he took a quick glance at himself in her car's reflection, he understood why so many men lusted after her despite being close to 40. He also understood why he could never satisfy her – she was an endless pit of oozing sexuality.

Now, even though he wanted to make his ex's life miserable, he was starting to enjoy himself. Every male pair of eyes lingered a moment longer, and he felt empowered with each lick of his glossy lips. And upon looking through her phone and realizing that she was an unbelievably rich Only Fans model, Donald decided that he wasn't going to ruin her reputation.

He decided that he was going to keep his new body, and his grandmother was more than happy to oblige. After all, he had custody of their kid now, and when he saw her bank account, he decided that being a party girl was definitely something he wanted to do. His grandmother's magic had given him something special.



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