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“I made it,” Brooklyn whispered as she stood by the door. She was waving her goodbyes as the last of her new friends left her new apartment. Meg was the last to go, and as she stepped out, she shouted over her shoulder, "Thanks for the party, Jasmine! It was a blast! You were a lot crazier than normal – that’s honestly such a good thing."

With a satisfied smile, Brooklyn closed the door and leaned against it, taking a moment to soak in the quiet aftermath of her successful party. Nothing broke, and she didn’t have an anxiety attack – she was able to actually enjoy herself. The apartment still echoed with the lingering beats of the music that had played earlier. To an outsider, it might have looked like just another college party, but for Brooklyn, it meant so much more to her. It was milestone and proof of more good things to come.

Walking over to the living room, she gazed at the empty cups and scattered snacks with a sense of pride. She never imagined she'd be the one hosting these parties and being at the center of it all. College was supposed to be a fresh start, but the loneliness from high school had initially followed her. She gave up hope until the body swap changed her life forever.

As she moved to the bathroom to wash her hands, Brooklyn caught her reflection in the hallway mirror. Staring back at her was a face she'd come to love - not just for its beauty but for the doors it had opened for her social life. Now that she had Jasmine’s gorgeous body, life had become much easier. She felt more confident, and the way her red dress hugged her slim figure had turned a lot of heads. 

“It’s a shame I turned so many of them down,” she softly said. “I was just too scared – maybe next time. Next time will be when I experiment with boys.” Her cheeks pinkened while she admired more of her reflection. Long, wavy brown hair, striking hazel eyes, and a confident smile that she'd never seen on her own face before were proudly smiling at her. 

Before the switch, Brooklyn had looked very different. She wasn’t as pretty as Jasmine – she was just an average girl, but it didn't help her make many friends. Jasmine, on the other hand, was the textbook definition of popular. She was beautiful, outgoing, and seemed to make friends wherever she went. Brooklyn had admired her from afar, envying her effortless charm and large circle of friends.

One day, the two of them had crossed paths at the body swap clinic. Jasmine had offhandedly mentioned her interest in experiencing life out of the spotlight, away from the expectations of always being "on." She wanted to be left alone most of the time, yet her friends forced her to party alongside them. Brooklyn, intrigued by the idea of walking in Jasmine's shoes and perhaps making more friends, had jokingly suggested they try it. To her surprise, Jasmine had agreed.

And now, looking at her reflection, Brooklyn felt grateful for that impulsive decision. While she still retained her core personality and memories, she had the added bonus of Jasmine's social skills and charm. She felt more confident and more alive. College was turning out to be everything she'd hoped for and more. And while the body swap was temporary, the memories and friendships she was making would last a lifetime. She was living her best life, and she couldn't be happier.



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