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Ester delicately tore a piece from the buttery croissant before her. She loved how the bread melted on her tongue. She'd already had more than a few, and while her stomach felt the weight of indulgence, she couldn't resist the temptation for more. “I have plenty of space,” she thought happily as she watched the reactions of the scientists across the room. They were monitoring her vitals, and the fact that they hadn’t stopped her meant that her body could take on more.

Across from her sat the remnants of a hefty breakfast spread: remnants of bacon, half-finished smoothies, and a few lonely pancakes, soaked in syrup. The caloric tally in her mind had surpassed the five-thousand mark, yet the scientists didn’t stop her. It was like the previous days – they monitored her body fat percentage, but that was it. She didn’t change at all. The magic of her new body’s metabolism meant she could enjoy all these delights without the looming threat of weight gain like her previous body.

She smiled and enjoyed the luxury of satiation without consequence. She spent years getting all sorts of treatments to treat her rapid weight gain. Unfortunately, she was cursed with poor genetics, and no amount of exercise could help her. Her thoughts drifted back to the weeks before, to her previous self when she had struggled with her body. She was constantly battling the numbers on her scale and societal expectations. But now, everything had changed. She had taken a leap of faith and opted for the body swap clinic, investing in a chance to start anew by putting in all of her inheritance money.

Her new body felt surreal after her brain was placed inside of it. The first week post-swap was the toughest. Waking up each morning, Ester would catch her reflection, momentarily startled by the beautiful stranger staring back at her. Her current body constantly fought to rid her mind, but the doctors would always give her an anti rejection shot to keep her inside. She recalled the careful orientations at the clinic, the advice on adapting to new physical sensations, and the therapy to integrate her old memories with her new form. Ester had spent four weeks in rehabilitation, learning the intricacies of her upgraded vessel while also being watched intently. 

Now, after getting used to her body’s limits, Ester felt empowered. The past burdens and insecurities had faded, replaced by an invigorating zest for life. She was gorgeous and unbelievably healthy. Her libido was wild, and whenever she’d fantasize about all the guys she knew she’d be chased by, she found herself really enjoying her sexual side. Her old body’s sexual desires were always dampened by the shape of her body, and now that she had her new one, she knew that intimacy was going to be an intense endeavor.

A gleam of excitement sparkled in Ester's eyes as the manager approached, presenting a glistening lobster on a silver platter. The aroma wafted towards her, and even though she was already satiated, the temptation was irresistible.  She reached for the lobster, and every bite was a reminder of the new life she was going to have. She couldn’t wait to tease and out-eat all the boys who rejected her back in high school.



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