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Elena's sneakers squeaked faintly against the polished floor of her apartment's hallway as she walked back from the gym, her body slick with sweat. Her workout session had been grueling, pushing every muscle to its limit. Each step sent tiny twinges of pain through her limbs, a testament to the intensity of her training. The weight of her gym bag pulled slightly on her shoulder, its heft filled with damp workout gear and a water bottle she'd nearly emptied during her workout.

Upon reaching her apartment door, she took a moment, steadying her breath and finding her key. The door swung open, revealing the familiar cozy space she called home. Elena made her way to the bedroom, her legs begging for respite. The cool air from the air-conditioning unit wafted over her, providing an immediate relief from the summer heat outside.

She set her bag down and peeled off her sweaty tank top, revealing a sports bra underneath. The first thing that caught her eye was the full-length mirror hanging on the opposite wall. Curiosity piqued, Elena couldn't resist walking over to get a better look. The reflection staring back at her was that of a strong, toned woman with defined muscles rippling under her skin. A faint smile crossed her lips. She marveled at the contours of her biceps, the sculpted lines of her abs, and the strength evident in her legs. It was a body she had worked hard for, a stark contrast from the one she used to have.

Elena tilted her head, remembering how different she had felt just months ago. This reflection was a constant reminder of her progress and determination. Of course, it was much skinnier when she first got the donor body from the Body Swap Clinic. A previous donor had been unhappy with their gender, so they ended up trading their body in for a male one. Of course, Elena was ecstatic about this specific body, especially since it was the only compatible female body that would accept her brain.

Elena had been a transgender woman prior to the swap, so when she had a chance to pick out the body she wanted, she couldn’t believe her luck. And though her body ached from the exertion she’d experienced earlier, the pain was worth the satisfaction of seeing her transformation. The previous owner of her permanent body never knew how to get the most out of it. They never took fantastic care of it, and while she wasn’t overweight, there were a lot of lacking areas that Elena was able to work on. From a firmer core to delectable legs, Elena sculpted her new body from head to toe. 

She felt proud, empowered, and more confident than she had ever felt in her life. She took a deep breath, her heart still racing from both her rigorous exercise and the thrill of her achievements. The fatigue was real, but so was the rush of endorphins. With one last appreciative glance at her reflection, Elena decided to take a refreshing shower, but not before taking a quick picture to send to the ten guys she’d been flirting with. There wasn’t a shortage of people thirsting for her new body, and she fully intended on stringing as many of them along until she found the perfect man for her.



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