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Kyle crossed his long, soft legs as he sat on the edge of the pool, wearing a gorgeous black dress that accentuated his new feminine curves. He dipped his toes into the cool water, the ripples shimmering under the warm glow of the setting sun. The sky was a canvas of oranges and purples, giving way to the approaching twilight.

A cool breeze brushed against Kyle's skin, sending a shiver down his spine. It felt invigorating, and he couldn't help but smile at the sensation. His hand reached for the cigar resting on a nearby table, and he lit it with a flick of his lighter. As he began to smoke, he closed his eyes, enjoying the rich flavors that danced on his tongue.

Being a woman for the past ten hours had been an eye-opening experience for Kyle. At first, adjusting to his shorter height and slimmer body was disorienting. He had struggled to walk in heels, and the unfamiliar weight of his new chest had thrown off his balance. But as the hours passed, he grew more accustomed to his surroundings and his new body. He found that he enjoyed the elegance and grace that came with his feminine form. The way clothes draped over him, the swish of a skirt, and the softness of his skin all brought him a sense of pleasure he hadn't anticipated.

Kyle began to look forward to expanding his wardrobe, experimenting with different styles and colors. Being a woman, he realized, could be fun. He imagined himself attending elegant soirees, turning heads as he entered a room, and feeling the rush of power that came from commanding attention. As the sun dipped below the horizon and the stars began to appear, Kyle took a deep drag from his cigar, lost in thought. He was eager to explore this new chapter in his life, to discover the joys and challenges of existing in a body so different from the one he'd known for years.

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps snapped him out of his daydream. He looked up to see a group of police officers surrounding him, their faces initially stern until he smiled sweetly at them. Kyle got up and felt countless eyes on his sexy body, and he felt the cigar slip from his fingers, extinguishing itself in the pool with a quiet hiss while he crossed his arms to push his breasts up. “Is it done?”

The police officer closest to him smiled. “The records were shredded. There’s no proof of the transfer. The new Kyle Lorraine is in custody with the lawyer you paid off.”

Switching bodies with Jess had been the greatest scam. After laundering billions of dollars through a private school, Kyle inevitably became way too suspicious. He initially got into his life of crime because he wasn’t looking forward to his inadequate retirement in 4 years, so he had to cut corners somewhere. It was only a matter of time before he was locked away. He murdered and tortured way too many people, and with a criminal record like that, he was bound to get life in prison. Thankfully, Jess was naïve enough to switch bodies with him “temporarily” until he could transfer as many assets as possible. 

And now, he had her young body, and he paid all the right people to keep everybody else quiet. Adapting to his life as a beautiful woman was going to be a little difficult, but as he ran a finger beneath the closest police officer’s chin, he had a feeling that seducing and manipulating people was going to be way easier.



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