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Jess was hunched over Kyle's desk, rifling through stacks of files and folders that belonged to her male partner. Her brow furrowed, and she absently scratched her stubbled chin. It was a strange sensation, being in Kyle's body, one she was still trying to acclimate to. Jess and Kyle had been partners in the detective force for years, their connection almost legendary among their peers. 

They had recently discovered that an all-girls school, Jess' own alma mater, was being used to launder money through fraudulent fundraisers. The two detectives had decided to infiltrate the school to find the evidence they needed to expose the criminal operation.

However, there was a problem. Kyle was a man, and as such, he couldn't easily gain access to the school without raising suspicions. And Jess, though she could walk in undetected, was hesitant to return to her old high school for reasons she preferred to keep private. 

As a solution, Kyle suggested they temporarily swap bodies at a body swap clinic. Jess trusted him, so they agreed to the exchange. Kyle, now in Jess' body, had gone to the school to investigate, leaving Jess in his body to pore over the documents that might reveal the mastermind behind the money laundering scheme.

Jess' large, masculine hands fumbled with the files, trying to sort through the papers with the same precision as her own nimble fingers. It was a frustrating process, but she was determined not to let her temporary body hold her back. Suddenly, Jess' phone buzzed on the desk. Picking it up, she saw a text from Kyle. He was at the school, and he'd already found some suspicious financial records. Jess felt a swell of pride for her partner, and relief that their risky plan seemed to be working.

As she continued her work, Jess couldn't help but feel a pang of unease. The thought of Kyle walking through the halls of her old high school, in her body, was unsettling. It was a place she had left behind years ago, filled with memories she had no desire to revisit.

Despite her discomfort, Jess knew she had to focus on the task at hand. She reminded herself of the trust she had in Kyle, and how their bond had seen them through countless difficult cases in the past. With renewed determination, Jess delved back into the files, her eyes scanning each page for any hint of the person behind the money laundering operation.

As she began to piece together the clues, she felt her mind slowly adjusting to Kyle's body. The masculine strength, the broad shoulders, and even the stubble on her face all seemed to become more natural as the hours passed. She was curious about what her male bits would feel like when her attention was suddenly pulled away from her curious imagination as she heard a knock at the door. Frowning, she opened the door and was shocked to see a group of police officers at the door. 



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