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“I’ll text you later tonight,” Scott said in a low voice. The morning sun streamed through the gaps in the blinds, painting a canvas of dusty light across the bathroom tiles while footsteps moved away from him. Adam stood there, looking at himself in the mirror with his date’s kiss still warm against his cheek. He listened to the front door close while Scott left for work. Adam still felt so empty, and the thought of having more of the perfectly chiseled man made his inner folds moist. His eyes traced the muscular contours of the figure that Scott worshipped so well. He slowly pulled his clothes over his naked body while he reflected on his journey into womanhood.

A few months ago, Adam wouldn't have imagined this scenario. The transformation had started as an experiment - a simple protein shake designed to enhance his strength training. With every gulp of the chalky substance, he had felt a discomfort creeping into his stomach, his physique morphing, growing, changing. He remembered the strange sensation, the burgeoning weight on his chest as he developed breasts, his waist narrowing, hips widening. Inch by inch, he had watched his body sculpt itself into a new form, a form traditionally described as the pinnacle of female beauty.

This was his reality now, and he found himself not only accepting it but embracing it wholeheartedly. What had started as a surreal experience had turned into something empowering as his cock transformed into a set of inner folds. He was fit, stronger than he had ever been. His reflection displayed an unbelievably gorgeous woman, but beyond the superficial appeal, he loved the healthy glow his skin emitted. While he continued his rigorous skin care routine, he definitely had fewer skin problems overall. His eczema was cured, and his acne vanished.

When the news of his transformation reached the science facility, they had expressed their concern, offering him a way to reverse the effects. But Adam declined. He had discovered a version of himself he had grown to love, a version he felt more comfortable with than his previous male identity. It also helped that the feminine orgasms he gave himself were pure ecstasy, and sharing himself with others definitely made things fun.

As a woman, Adam found newfound joy in exploring a world he had previously only observed from a distance too. He loved applying makeup and enjoyed the way a dash of lipstick or a brush of mascara could dramatically transform his appearance. He learned to appreciate the power of clothing, how a scandalously tight dress could elicit a sense of confidence and allure, how the texture of a silk blouse or the cut of a tailored skirt could evoke a powerful femininity. Adam especially enjoyed how easy it was to mess around with seriously fuckable men like Scott. The best part about it was how open their relationship was, and how many different people Adam was allowed to see.

He loved every moment of his slutty identity. He enjoyed the daily rituals, the exploration of fashion, and the empowerment that came with his strength and physical fitness. Men couldn’t keep their eyes off him whenever he trained his perfect glutes. He enjoyed the new perspective he had gained, the sense of understanding he had developed about himself and the world around him as a woman. As time moved on, Adam found himself feeling more settled, more 'himself' than he had ever felt. And he wouldn’t have given it up for anything. 



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