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Mei took another large bite of the greasy hamburger, her fourth for the night, relishing the taste without any guilt. Seated inside Dan's fancy car, she let out a satisfied sigh. Dan looked at her in disbelief, a half-eaten burger in his hand. "How are you not gaining any weight?" he asked, half in awe and half in envy. “I still can’t believe how much you can fit into you.”

“Such a rude comment,” Mei said with fake annoyance. “I bet you’re going to make fun of my outfit now.”

“Hey, I like it. Stop trying to reverse this onto me.”

"Well, it's just her genetics," Mei replied, her lips curling into a knowing smile. “My genetics, sorry. I probably shouldn’t push things too far, though. I wouldn’t want to ruin my perfect gut health. I won’t know how to replicate it.” This was her third week in her new body, Selina's body, to be precise, and she loved every bit of it. Her old body would have probably ballooned with the amount of food she was consuming now. But Selina's young, fit, and curvy body seemed immune to weight gain, a luxury Mei and her friend Dan were thoroughly enjoying.

Mei worked with Selina at a corporate office with Dan. Selina was an ambitious woman who believed in taking chances, and she was desperate to get a leg up in the world. She had made a bet with Dan, their boss, that she could score the highest sales figures by the end of the month. If she won, she would get a promotion and a raise. If she lost, she had to do whatever Dan wanted. To ensure her victory, she had hired a team of people in Pakistan to procure sales leads and make the sales for her. It was an ingenious plan, and it worked for the most part. But in the end, she fell short, and Dan won the bet.

The condition of the bet was peculiar. The loser had to be the winner's non-intimate girlfriend for a month. The thought of playing girlfriend to Dan was unbearable for Selina. So, she turned to Mei, her co-worker and friend of four years. Selina had found a service that allowed people to temporarily swap bodies. As strange as it was, Mei agreed to help Selina out. The ambitious saleswoman knew that Mei was Dan’s friend and that she wouldn’t suffer the same way she would. “You can do whatever you want with him,” Selina insisted. “Just please, don’t let me go through with it. You’re already friends with the guy – I can’t stand him…”

Unfortunately, Selina had no idea that Mei would be horrible at imitating her. It didn’t take long before Dan realized that it was her. But when she came clean about the whole ordeal, he wasn’t mad. He just played along, and that made things even more romantic between the two friends. Weeks of spending time with Dan inevitably led to the two falling in love. And as Mei finished the last of her burger, she found herself feeling a strange mix of emotions. She had been friends with Dan, yet she never saw herself intimately with him. He also never found her attractive because she was an out of shape couch potato. But now, after spending time with him, she found him to be an affable man. He also became drawn by her attractive figure. Selina had overreacted, and now Mei was planning on keeping what she had been given.

“She’d be really mad, you know,” he suddenly said. “I know a few people at the body swap clinic. I think we could arrange for this to be permanent. She wouldn’t be able to work for us anymore, though…”

“Well, maybe she shouldn’t have given me her perfect body.” Mei looked at Dan and made a decision. "But as long as you let me, I’ll keep her body for good. She never deserved this. She’s a cheater, and she’s willing to do anything to get ahead. This is the perfect way to punish her, don’t you think?” She said this with so much conviction that she even surprised herself. Dan looked at her, surprised as well, then nodded. A grin spreading across his face while he began to text the right people. Life was perfect the way it was now, and Mei was keen on keeping things this way.



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