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Andrew giggled to himself as he stirred the sauce for the pasta, the aroma of garlic and tomatoes filling the small, cozy kitchen. He felt a warm set of lips pressing up against the side of his neck before suddenly darting away. “That smells so good,” Kevin said. “Thanks so much - you honestly didn’t have to do this, babe.”

“I did,” Andrew insisted with a sweet smile as his new fiancé made his way towards the kitchen table. “You’ve been getting us tickets to literally every fun event in town. This is the least I can do. Besides, don’t thank me yet. This course isn’t even done yet.” Seeing the flicker of excitement in his fiancé’s eyes made all of this worth it. 

Andrew had been a chef before he became a woman, and ever since he moved in with Kevin, things only got better. He couldn't believe how much his life had changed in the past few months. He was happier and healthier now, and it had all started when he was diagnosed with a rare gender-swapping disease. It was a condition that slowly altered his body, turning him from a man into a woman.

At first, Andrew was terrified, unsure of what the future would hold. He had never imagined himself as a woman, nor had he ever wanted to be one. His girlfriend, Cassie, initially seemed supportive until she abruptly left him for another man. But as the transformation progressed, he found himself gradually learning to love his new body, especially when his roommate, Kevin, showed an interest in him. He showed him that he wasn’t a freak – he was a better version of himself. The new fiancé loved the flowing dark hair that cascaded down his back, the shapely curves that filled out his clothes, and the smooth, soft skin that seemed to glow with a newfound radiance.

Andrew had come to enjoy the attention he received as he walked down the street, dressed in pretty clothes that accentuated his new feminine figure. Men lusted for him, but his womb belonged to the only person who accepted him first. He had never thought that he would find pleasure in the admiring glances of strangers, but it was a welcome change from the invisibility he had often felt as a man. As the pasta reached the perfect texture, Andrew drained it and plated the dish, garnishing it with a sprinkle of freshly grated parmesan cheese. He set the table, lighting candles to create a warm, intimate atmosphere. 

Kevin had been a supportive partner throughout the entire process, especially after the last of his masculinity went away. He never once made Andrew feel like a freak or an outcast. Instead, he had embraced Andrew's changes with open arms, and in time, their friendship had blossomed into a beautiful romance. Andrew sat down at the table, the flickering candlelight casting a warm glow on their faces. 

As they enjoyed the meal, they shared stories, laughter, and gentle caresses. It was a perfect evening, filled with love and connection, and Andrew knew that he had never been happier. His life was completely different now, and as he led his fiancé to their bedroom to make love, he knew he wouldn’t have traded it for anything else.



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