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Laurie stood on the balcony of her opulent mansion, taking in the stunning view that stretched for miles on end while she texted Albert. He was constantly trying to get back with her, but she knew what type of guy he was. She hated being trapped with him – she hated relying on his money. “I don’t need him anymore,” Laurie whispered to herself upon blocking his number. “He was a complete asshole. Now I have all this, of course he’s trying to crawl back to me. Fucking asshole.” She leaned against the cold railing, the dusk casting a soft orange glow around her while she absorbed the happiness and strength she felt over her ex-boyfriend. 

It was surreal, to say the least. From a simple clerk at her mother's corner store to this - a mansion owner with a bank balance that would make many envious. The plan had been a long shot, fraught with risks and potential pitfalls. It had involved stealing from a wealthy customer, Logan, using a body swap potion that she bought from a local magic shop. The stolen money was no small sum, enough to tip the scale in her favor. Laurie had cleverly cleaned the money by cycling it through multiple businesses, a meticulous and arduous process that took months to complete.

She remembered the day she found herself in Logan's body, a surreal experience that had initially left her disoriented. But once the shock had worn off, she was quick to act. The money was withdrawn, wired, and before Logan could realize what had happened, Laurie was long gone.

She could still recall the adrenaline pumping through her veins as she made the massive purchase of gold in Logan's body. The gold was melted down, sold off piece by piece, the proceeds funneled through various corporations to leave no trail behind. The final product of that intricate and perilous scheme was the mansion she now called home.

As she stared out into the mesmerizing scenery, she felt a pair of familiar arms encircle her waist. Her mom, her rock throughout the whole ordeal, joined her at the railing. She felt the soft kiss on her cheek, the warm hug that meant more than words could express. “Hey, dear, what was that about? You looked really mad when you left to text on your phone.”

“It’s fine, mom,” Laurie said with a shrug. “It was just Albert.” She saw her mom roll her eyes. “Yeah, I know. He shouldn’t have cheated on me.”

“He never deserved you,” her mom said while rubbing her shoulders. “You’ll find someone. Don’t worry.”

As Laurie stood there, taking in the breathtaking view with her mother by her side, she knew she was right. She also knew that this was all worth it. Every risk, every sleepless night, every moment of fear - it was all worth it. Laurie's gaze swept over the horizon one last time before turning to meet her mother's proud gaze. The mansion, the view, the wealth - they were all significant reasons for finally breaking free from her reliance on OnlyFans. 

And as the sun finally dipped below the horizon, she knew with an unshakeable conviction that she would do it all again if she had to. The smile that curled on her lips was one of contentment, a quiet promise of a brighter future while she followed her mom back into the mansion. Life was so much easier with money, and now that her mom was finally retired, she had a feeling that things were only going to get better.



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