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“Fuck my life,” Ted whispered while he felt the sun on his sexy young body. The sound of the nearby beach should have put him at ease, but the thought of having to work was already making him dread the end of his weekend. It was strange, especially since Ted wanted to experience life without the burdens of his old body. Wracked with arthritis and cancer, he knew that he didn't have much time left. Desperation drove him to make a life-altering decision: to spend his entire fortune on his new female body.

The procedure was a marvel of modern science. Ted's mind was transferred into the body of a young cloned woman, free from pain and disease. Her donor body was the only one available at the Body Enhancement Corporation that was compatible with his brain. He could have waited, but the thought of dying before that day would come was what forced him to make the transfer so soon. 

At first, being in a female body was a dream come true. He loved the standard clothes provided to him, and the feeling of being pain-free was liberating. He especially enjoyed the feminine sensations between his legs. The constant heat and the almost alien-like desire overwhelmed him easily. It seemed like he had made the right choice.

But Ted's decision came with a heavy price. He hadn't anticipated that the funds he'd need to survive in his new body would be so limited. The Body Enhancement Corporation had disposed of his old body, so it wasn’t like he could get a refund. The entirety of his fortune had been spent on the procedure, and now he was forced to work a minimum wage part-time job just to make ends meet. Being pretty helped him get the job, but it wasn’t something he expected. “I haven’t even worked a minimum job in over sixty years…”

As he adjusted to his new life, the weight of his decision settled heavily on his shoulders. Ted found himself wishing that he had waited just a little longer before making such a drastic choice. He missed the financial security he once enjoyed. But as he turned over onto his back, Ted noticed a group of men looking at him from across the beach. Their gazes had been on his bum, and now their eyes lingered around his breasts. 

That was when Ted got an incredibly smart idea. He hesitated for a moment, then decided to try something he had never done before. He straightened his posture, put on a confident smile, and approached the group, ready to flirt. It didn’t take long before all five men were practically obeying his every command. Being a beautiful woman had its perks, and it was easy to playfully seduce men who obviously found him attractive.

In that moment, Ted realized that although he couldn't go back to his old life, he could still make the most of his new one. He could learn to adapt, to forge new connections and friendships, and maybe even find love. But the only thing on his mind now was finding a way to get them to lend him some cash for some alone time together.

It wouldn’t be long before Ted could quit his job.



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