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Jim hated the fact that he was going to die soon. He had always been fascinated by the idea of living forever, and he became obsessed with learning things to extend his life in his earlier years. As he grew older and his health began to deteriorate, he became increasingly obsessed with finding a way to truly cheat death. There was only so much good a healthy diet could bring him.

He spent hours poring over old books and ancient websites, searching for a way to extend his life. And finally, he found it. There was an incantation that he could perform, a ritual that would allow him to switch bodies with someone else and gain their youth and vitality. Jim learned extremely early on that he had the ability to perform magic, but he could never use it to his fullest abilities due to his inexperience.

Excited by the prospect of a new life, Jim prepared himself for what was needed. People who could perform magic had the ability to sense other people who could perform magic. The book had explained that he would feel a strange warmth coming from his potential vessel’s direction. He would have to use it the moment he could do so. And after suffering from yet another heart attack, he found himself trapped in a hospital bed in critical condition.

He remained in hospice care for weeks, and his body began to fail him quickly. He felt weak and dizzy, and he realized that his time was running out. He knew that he had to act fast if he wanted to survive, but there weren’t any suitable bodies. He couldn’t sense his target. He wanted to become one of the male nurses, yet when he tried to whisper the incantation around them, it wouldn’t work. “I need the perfect body…”

Suddenly, he felt an intense pain in his chest. His heart was racing, and he prayed that they’d be able to save him in time. But there were too many people in need of help, and Jim couldn't make the switch in time due to the COVID19 pandemic. His heart finally stopped, and he was pronounced dead.

In the end, Jim's spirit almost drifted away, lost and alone. But when nurses managed to revive him, he felt his eyes opening. He let out a groan when he noticed a nurse he hadn’t seen before. She was an extremely pretty nurse who stared at him with worried eyes. Nurses were celebrating while he noticed that there was a weird warmth radiating from her direction, and that’s when he realized that she was a compatible body.

He winced painfully and murmured the ancient spell before his head fell back onto his pillow. He felt his spirit flowing through his lips, and to his surprise, he was a ghostly figure hovering over the heads of so many people. Nobody could see him except for the pretty nurse, so he flew forward and slid down her throat. She coughed and struggled to pull him out, but the spell’s dark magic was far too powerful. She stiffened and absorbed his soul, and he merged with her very being. He started smiling in his new, sexy body as his old body died before his very eyes. 



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