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Maribelle stood in front of the full-length mirror, admiring her new reflection while she laughed to herself. She couldn't believe how sexily young and vibrant she looked. For years, she had been burdened by the weight of her old age, but now, she felt like a whole new person.

Her closet was overflowing with new clothes that she had collected over the past few weeks. She loved trying them all on, admiring herself in the mirror as she twirled around in the dresses and cute tops. The colors and patterns brought a smile to her face, something she hadn't done in a long time.

Tonight, she was getting ready for a night out, something she hadn't done in years. Maribelle had always been a powerful woman, but her age had restricted her. Now, with her newfound youth, she was ready to take on the world again.

It was all thanks to Jeff, a loyal follower who had promised to help her regain her youth. She had promised him endless wealth and power, but she had no intention of keeping that promise. 

Instead, she had used a powerful spell to wipe his memory clean. Now, nobody knew who she really was, and Maribelle planned to keep it that way.

She glanced at herself in the mirror again, taking in her youthful appearance. She had always been beautiful, but now she was stunning. Her skin was smooth and wrinkle-free, her eyes bright and clear. She couldn't wait to see the looks on people's faces when they saw her tonight.

As she finished getting ready, she thought about the power she now possessed. With her new body, she could do anything she wanted, be anyone she wanted. She had lived a long life, but she wasn't done yet. There were still so many things she wanted to do, so many places she wanted to go. Maribelle turned off the lights in the bathroom and headed out. 

She wasn’t going to waste a single minute with her brand new life.



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