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“Cheer up,” Marlon, the Airbnb homeowner, said from across the patio when he saw Joseph’s saddened face. “You’ll find somebody. The roads will be okay in no time - just be more patient.” Joseph had been in the Philippines for a week hoping to find a wife. He was alone and in his thirties, and he was desperate to start a family. Most of the women he had run into also made fun of his appearance. To make things worse, a typhoon had hit the area, and he found himself confined to his Airbnb with nothing to do. Boredom had set in, and he longed for some excitement to offset being called ugly by every Filipina he flirted with. The typhoon was short, but a lot of major roads were still flooded by the time he could venture out into the village around him. But he had no idea where to go.

But Marlon had the best possible recommendation. While browsing through the local market, he came across an old woman selling strange potions. The woman claimed that her potions could make his dreams come true, and she claimed that she could see his future. “You’ll find what you’re looking for,” she said. “I’ll give you a discount. Two hundred pesos for one of my potions.” Joseph was intrigued, and he asked the woman what kind of potions she had.

The old woman showed him a small vial of red liquid, claiming that it would give him what he wanted. “This should give you an edge. It’ll make you handsome beyond reason. I’ll give you a little bit, and if you like it, I’ll sell you more.” Joseph hesitated, but his curiosity got the better of him, and he purchased the potion when he heard locals saying that she was a village witch. It intrigued him.

Back at his Airbnb, Joseph took a deep breath and drank the potion. It tasted foul and made his stomach tingle. Suddenly, he felt strange, as though his whole body was tingling. He looked down at his chest, and to his horror, he saw that he was growing breasts. He stumbled to the mirror and gasped as he saw himself transform before his very eyes.

His skin became soft and smooth, and his hair grew long and luscious. Every inch of his body became female, and he stared at himself in shock and amazement. He felt a sudden rush of excitement, realizing he had never felt so pretty before. Joseph's mind raced as he tried to come to terms with his new body. He had never imagined himself as a woman, but now that he was, he felt oddly thrilled. He began to experiment with different hairstyles, makeup, and clothes he had bought as souvenirs for his sister, admiring himself in the mirror.

As time went by, Joseph became more comfortable with his new body. He realized that the possibilities were endless. He had come to the Philippines to find a wife, but now he was more interested in exploring his femininity. “I need to play with myself,” he whispered naughtily. “I hope Marlon doesn’t hear me...”



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