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Brandon took a deep breath, feeling the soft fabric of the yoga pants against his skin. His butt felt so good as he sat and waited. He had never felt so comfortable in his body before. As he turned his head to gaze out at the river, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to experience life from a different perspective as he adjusted the bra around his busty chest.

He glanced over his shoulder, watching as Stephen paid for his ice cream at the nearby store. He was an extremely cute guy that every girl talked about on campus. He was a star athlete and was studying business, but everybody knew he didn’t have to be there. He was a trust fund student with a stable future. Brandon couldn't believe how turned on he was at the thought of Stephen actually liking him. Sure, he was using Edna’s body, but it all felt so real. The desire he saw in Stephen’s eyes was directed at him, and Brandon found himself yearning for more. Deep down, he had always felt like he was living in the wrong body, and now that he was inhabiting Edna's, everything felt right. He felt wanted and desired for a beauty he didn’t have in his old body.

For a moment, Brandon considered making the body swap permanent. But he knew that the clinic would catch on eventually, and he couldn't risk his friendship with Edna. Still, the idea of switching with her on a regular basis crossed his mind. She was a shy girl, but she desperately wanted Stephen. “Sexy guy, lots of money, and a downright gentleman,” Brandon whispered happily to himself. “She’s so nervous around him - what if … what if we could make a deal?”

Brandon was already saying all the right things. This was the first date that actually flowed well, and he had a great feeling about the many more to come. As Stephen walked back towards him with an ice cream cone in hand, Brandon smiled and made a decision. 

He was going to make the most of every moment in his new body until he could become a girl again. He was going to make the perfect first impression in the hopes that Edna would keep letting him take her place.  "Thanks," he said, taking the ice cream cone from Stephen and smiling at him. Stephen grinned back, unaware of the internal struggle that Brandon was facing.

As they sat by the river, enjoying their ice cream, Brandon couldn't help but get excited at what the future held for him. But for now, he was content to live in the moment, savoring every sensation that came with his new body until his next opportunity.
