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Thomas held the crystal in his hand, feeling the weight of its power while he struggled to do the right thing. Fiona, his lover, sat on the couch nearby, watching him with an intensity that made him feel uneasy. She had been so insistent that he destroy the crystal for her, telling him that it was the only way to reverse the magic that had placed her in the body of his neighbor, Brooke.

Thomas knew that Fiona was eighty years old, but she looked no older than twenty now she was Brooke. The only way to make the possession permanent was to destroy the crystal that had caused it in the first place. He hesitated for a moment, feeling a surge of fear and doubt. But then, Fiona smiled at him, her eyes filled with warmth and affection. 

She stood up and walked over to him, placing a gentle hand on his arm. "Trust me, Thomas," she said softly. "This is the only way. It’s the only way to make me her forever." Thomas looked into her eyes and saw the sincerity there. He took a deep breath and threw the crystal into the fireplace.

A surge of magic rushed through the room, and Thomas felt a jolt run through his body. He stumbled back, feeling disoriented and dizzy. But then, as the magic dissipated, he saw Fiona standing before him, looking exactly as she had before the magic had taken hold. 

She smiled at him and planted a kiss against his lips, her hands running through his hair. “You did so well, my love.” Thomas felt a warmth spread through him, and he realized that he had fallen in love with this beautiful, brave woman.

“So it’s done?”

She nodded, and the smile on her face made Thomas realize that he had made the right choice. He had been hesitant about all of this, yet when he saw the excitement in his new girlfriend’s eyes, he knew that giving her a second chance at life was all worth it. After all, Fiona had an abundance of wealth. Her old body lived down the street in a massive mansion, and a simple transfer of wealth through her will and signature was going to be really easy to pull off.



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