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Daphne was always a smart girl, but she was never happy with her looks. She longed to be beautiful, but she didn't think it was possible for her. She spent her days studying and researching, determined to find a way to transform herself.

One day, she stumbled upon an ancient spell that promised to transform her into an incredibly beautiful woman. She was skeptical at first, but she decided to give it a try. She gathered all the ingredients and cast the spell.

To her amazement, the spell worked. Daphne was now stunningly beautiful, with long flowing hair and a perfect figure. She was thrilled with her new appearance and couldn't wait to show off her new look. But as she looked in the mirror, she realized that the spell had come with a cost.

Daphne had become airheaded, as she had lost some of her intelligence. She was still smart, but not as she was before. She thought that it was a small price to pay for her newfound beauty and decided to just go with it. She went out to show off her new look, and everyone was impressed with her transformation.

But as time went on, Daphne noticed that her intelligence was slowly reemerging. “No, I need to stay like this,” she said. “I’m better … I’m … I’m better without my smarts.” She was fully aware of what she was doing, and this was exactly what she wanted. She found the perfect spell, even if it did take away her smarts. She casted the spell again, determined to keep her beauty at all costs.

Daphne eventually became so obsessed with staying beautiful that she stayed pretty and stupid forever. Of course, she would have to keep casting the spell, but she was willing to do anything to keep her sexy figure. She spent the rest of her days admiring herself in the mirror and enjoying her new body.



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