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Melanie had always had a hard time holding down a job and as a result, she was struggling to make rent payments. Desperate for a solution, she decided to transfer her soul into Belle's young body. Belle was a 20-year-old college student living across the hall from Melanie, with a trust fund and no romantic entanglements. Melanie discovered a necklace that could astrally project her mind into a spirit form, which would then possess Belle's body. She put the necklace on and her spirit form left her body and entered Belle's, taking control of her actions and thoughts.

Belle, unaware of what was happening, was shocked to find herself in Melanie's apartment, with no memory of how she got there. But she knew somebody else was controlling her. So, she focused as hard as she could and tried to move, but all her fingers did were twitch. “Wait, you’re in there?” She heard her body ask before laughing. “Sorry, I didn’t think you’d still be inside of me. I figured you were going to be a ghost or something. But that’s fine. Once I get the necklace off my body, all I need to do is put it on me. Then I’ll be safe and secure.”

Belle’s eyes looked across the room, and she could see her 45-year-old neighbor slumped on the couch. A small golden triangular necklace was sitting around her neck. “You’re Melanie?”

“Oh, so you can respond to me,” Melanie said. “Yeah, sorry, I wasn’t actually planning on using you for this. But with all the money and this cute face, I figured you’d be perfect to start over. I’ve had two divorces and zero education, and I plan on redoing everything … as you.” Before Belle could force Melanie out of her mind, Melanie removed the necklace from her hold body. She briefly felt her control beginning to fade, but just before she lost control, she placed the necklace around her own neck. She felt her control strengthening until she felt comfortable in her stolen body. Putting the necklace effectively made the possession permanent until she removed the necklace. Now, Belle was a passenger trapped in her own body until Melanie decided to leave.

Unfortunately, Melanie had no desire to leave her new body. With Belle's trust fund and small social circle, Melanie was planning to live a comfortable life. She literally had a clean slate, and she had a funny feeling that people weren’t going to notice her personality changes. She kept the necklace around her neck, knowing that she would have to find a way to make sure Belle could never regain control. “I guess I’ll just never take this off,” Melanie teased to herself before becoming better acquainted with her new home.



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