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Gwen couldn’t believe what was happening as she struggled to unbuckle the seatbelt of her wheelchair. Her heart was racing while she stared out the window. In the distance, she could see her mom walking across the parking lot. Gwen could see her beautiful body’s blonde hair bouncing until they got to the car to drive away. Just before they pulled away, Gwen could see her own body smirking at her and waving goodbye. “She needs to know,” the young woman croaked desperately in her new, achy body. 

When she got a referral to see a world renowned psychologist on the edge of town to deal with her anxiety, she didn’t realize that Doctor Vogel literally healed minds by completely replacing them with his wealthy clients. She didn’t notice the signs until it was too late. The lobby was filled with old people coming in for consultations, and some were even happy about their upcoming procedures. But Gwen was too afraid to say anything or ask questions.

And when she stepped into an office to have a machine analyze her mind, the wires forced her mind through a computer system and into a completely different body. She didn’t even realize what was happening until she heard her own voice giggling with joy. In her new body, Gwen could barely keep up with the rapidly changing world. Her new body had suffered multiple ailments, and her cognitive skills weren’t very sharp. The only thing she knew was that her body had been stolen.

But as she finally managed to unbuckle her seatbelt, she felt two hands hold her down. “Mrs. Salinas, please stay still,” a doctor’s voice said. “You need to take your medication." It will calm you down.”

“I’m not Mrs. Salinas! I’m Gwen! Please!” But just as she opened her mouth, she felt a flask enter her mouth. She accidentally drank the medication, and she eventually found herself unable to speak. She merely sat there, wondering where she was and when she’d be going home.



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