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"Holy fuck," Logan moaned while he twisted and turned on the bed.

"Yes, Logan, yes," Jenny whimpered. "Just like that. Curl your finger and pull it in and out." Logan did as he was told. He couldn't believe how good his wife's body felt. Jenny was moaning in his head too, so he knew she was enjoying herself just as much as he was. After he found himself trapped inside his wife's body after a lightning bolt struck them in their car, they'd spent a week trying to find a way to switch back. His own body remained on life support in the hospital while a group of scientists tried to determine what had happened. He was in full control of her body, while she remained trapped in his mind. Obviously, they were freaking out about it all, but once Jenny's body started getting horny from a lack of sexual simulation, she finally gave him permission to masturbate. He thought he knew what she liked, especially when he experienced his first female orgasm. But he didn't realize how bad he was until Jenny taught him how to really turn her on.

The sound of his wife's wet inner lips was all he could hear as his tummy arched upward. His toes curled while his eyes rolled to the back of his head. A powerful shivering sensation rushed through his body, and he felt a wetness squirting out from between his legs. He let out a surprised gasp and looked at the mess he'd made. Jenny had never squirted with him, and now he understood why. They never had this level of direct communication. He later realized that Jenny was too shy to vocalize what she wanted, and he was too arrogant since he'd been with so many different girls. As the orgasm died down, Logan realized that he'd lost control over his body. Jenny sat up and opened and closed her hands. She closed her eyes and took a long, deep breath. Suddenly, Logan was back in control. "Wait, how'd you do that?"

"I have no idea," his wife said upon taking back control. "I think having an orgasm triggered something in my brain. We'll probably have to tell the doctors about this, huh?"

The experience was an eye opener, and it would eventually blossom into many experiences. But when the scientists mentioned that there was nothing they could do, neither Jenny or Logan were mad. Logan's old body was in a vegetative state but he was too afraid to let himself move on, so his wife decided to let him be a permanent guest. Most people might've been annoyed by this, but Jenny really loved the feeling she had from Logan playing with her. He would just have to get used to Jenny bringing other men into their lives. Thankfully, Logan was more than happy to accommodate that request.



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