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Cassandra loved how tall she was in her best friend's body. After Priscilla agreed to switch bodies with her at their local Body Swap Clinic, the two college girls experienced completely new sensations. Cassandra had been a shy and quiet girl, but this body gave her confidence. She found that she enjoyed being noticed more than she ever could have imagined.

Priscilla was shocked by how confident Cassandra became as well. Before the swap, she was a quiet girl who kept to herself. Her biggest goal was to get through high school without any drama or trouble; even if it meant doing nothing most of the time. But in her new body, Cassandra was outgoing and outspoken. She liked that people looked up to her and treated her differently because of her looks.

In contrast, Priscilla understood why Cassandra was so much quieter. She felt smaller and uglier than her best friend. She never noticed it until now, but she missed the attention she got in her taller body. She still felt like a normal girl when she was around friends and family, but whenever she went somewhere new, especially for school, she felt self-conscious about being short.

The girls were both still excited to try out some new clothes they bought from the mall after switching bodies. They knew they would look great in anything they tried on thanks to their new height. Cassandra wanted to try something daring, so she wore an outfit with no sleeves and a plunging neckline that showed off her cleavage. She was proud to show off Priscilla's tall and curvy figure in the tight black dress when they got to Priscilla's apartment. The two girls laughed together as they posed and giggled at each other's outfits.

But things soured between them by the end of their first month. Cassandra didn't want to go back to her old body. Priscilla tried to legally force the swap, but when she realized that she had signed paperwork saying that she had signed away her ownership over her own body, she realized that Cassandra had planned this from the very beginning.



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