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Charmaine had enjoyed the cruise ship's amenities, but after seeing so many handsome, young men, she decided what she was going to make her wish on. She spent a lot of time thinking about it since she only had one wish to use, but now she knew exactly what she wanted. After using the genie lamp to wish to be young and beautiful again, Charmaine wasn’t expecting the magic to transform her into a completely different person later in the day. She thought the lamp hadn't worked and that she'd been scammed by the fortune teller.

She was an elderly lady who spent an enormous sum of money to get the lamp in the first place, and as her body twitched and throbbed painfully, she felt her wrinkles fading. Her skin became soft and smooth, while her gray hair turned into lustrous black locks that shimmered like silk. Her eyes were still wrinkled and red-rimmed from the pain, but they seemed much younger with their bright green irises. Her fingers had become slender once more. The transformation was over almost as quickly as it began, and Charmaine found herself back in her room in a dress that felt too big around her slender body.

She took long, deep breaths until she managed to make her way into the nearby bathroom. When she looked into the mirror, a smile stretched across her face. Everything about her was so young and vibrant that it gave her a feeling of euphoria. And when she rubbed the front of her crotch, she couldn't help but bite her lower lip. 

"Oh, wow!" Charmaine moaned. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this sensitive…” Everything about her body had changed. She was expecting to be a younger version of herself, but instead she was a complete stranger. She felt a familiar heat she hadn't felt in years.

Lying down on her bed, she closed her eyes and tried to remember what she used to look like before she wished for youth and beauty. But all that came to mind were memories of her past life. They were fuzzy at best, and she could only recall bits and pieces. 

It didn't matter though, because even without her full memory, she knew she would have never wanted to go back to her old self. After all, with her retirement money and her newfound youth, she had a feeling that she'd be able to make a lot of new memories. Her new body was perfect, and she could hardly wait to show it off to the rest of the young men on board.



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