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"You look good," Daryl sighed as he sat in front of his friend at the center of the restaurant. They could feel multiple eyes on him as the new Crystal smiled. “Love what you’ve done with your hair. You’re really starting to get comfortable. But are you still feeling a little dizzy? Or are you actually getting used to your new figure?”

“It’s taken a few days, but I feel so normal now,” Crystal answered while she gently rubbed Daryl’s hand. “And it’s all thanks to you. I figured I’d do more than just treat your lunch.” 

"What did you have in mind?" Daryl asked.

She looked down and gave her chest an appreciative squeeze before looking up into his face again with another smile. "I think I'm really ready to explore myself at this point. And what better person to do it with than with you? We could stop by my place before you work tonight ... assuming you don't have other plans before then."

"Yeah? Maybe I'll call in sick for the night. It's a slow time of the month, so I think I could get away with it." Daryl had been the only supportive friend Crystal had over the years. Her original name had been Chris before she began her transition nearly three years ago. The two met when they were both working for a local law firm after college, and it was Daryl who encouraged her to identify as a woman when she mentioned how she felt. She hadn't started her hormone treatments back then, mostly out of fear of losing her friends. Her entire friend group was toxic, and she was afraid that they'd attack her for what she believed. But even with her true self kept secret, nobody stayed by her side the way Daryl had. He never judged her or made fun of her - he was actually appreciative of her ability to share this with him.

And when his uncle's body swapping company went public with their technology, Daryl didn't hesitate to ask her if she was interested in placing her mind in a cloned donor body. She was on her third year of her transition when she decided that a lump sum of $50,000 for a shortcut was well worth the money, so she went to his uncle's lab and signed all the necessary paperwork. A complicated brain transplant and a week of physical therapy helped ease her into her new body. There were moments of dizziness and nausea, but the doctors prescribed her medication to help her get used to her new form. She couldn’t believe how good her female parts felt. From her natural breasts to her throbbing clit, Crystal loved her new body.

And when they let her go home with her new body, she didn't hesitate to make adjustments to her life. She experimented with new clothes and became accustomed to her newfound beauty. Her new body felt healthier than her old body, and Crystal found herself loving her decision. And with her best friend looking at her with desire in his eyes, she had a feeling that exploring her new womanhood was going to be fun.



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