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Sylvia could still feel the faint throbbing of her dark magic in her finger tips. The magical spell made her feel uneasy, but she knew that the symptoms would pass. After all, this was at least the second time the 87-year old had used her magical spell book to extend her life.

The symptoms would go away, and she wouldn't have to feel this way for at least another few decades. The pain in her joints and the stiffness of her neck weren't an issue anymore, so it wasn't too hard to temporarily forget about the symptoms.

Sylvia couldn't believe her luck when young Celine agreed to switch bodies. She had never felt so alive and wanted in all her life as she waited for her date to arrive. Men were staring at her while she adjusted her silky, blonde hair. Sylvia's heart raced with excitement at the thought of having a chance to experience what it would be like to be wined and dined by a young, handsome man. 

She couldn't believe that Celine was still single at the age of 23, but in a way, the old woman understood. Celine had agreed to switch places because of her deteriorating mental health. She didn't want to go out or socialize. She just wanted to stay indoors. She didn't maximize her youth the way somebody should have, and now that Sylvia was literally in her shoes, she couldn't wait to enjoy every bit of it.

"She never deserved this body," Sylvia agreed while looking into the reflection of Celine's cell phone. “The girl literally had everything. But she’d rather stay at home and rot away than live life to the fullest.” Glaring at the phone, she realized that she hadn't figured out how to use it yet, but a hand held mirror was useful whenever she wanted to admire her smooth face. “And now it’s all mine. Everything is mine.” The blonde woman smiled when she saw herself in the mirror. Her skin was clear and radiant. There wasn't even a hint of wrinkles on her face. With her perfect skin health, it was like she was some sort of goddess that came down from heaven. The rest of her body looked incredible too. The younger woman had a naturally beautiful figure with firm breasts, a slim waist, and shapely legs.

And as Tom came through the front doors, Sylvia didn't even have to wave him over. His eyes locked onto her almost instantly, and he walked straight towards her. He was dressed in an expensive suit that complimented his muscular physique perfectly. And as he approached her, she could feel her pulse quicken with anticipation. Life as Celine was going to be fun.



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