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Bobbie proudly stared at himself in the mirror with the pearl necklace glittering around his slim neck. He admired his soft features and firm breasts before looking across the room at his pathetic body. Clara was on the ground in his dweeby, nerdy body trying to get up. Just seeing his bully struggling in his body made him laugh while he ran his fingers through his blonde hair. Clara glared at him and tried to scream, but the potion prevented his old body from speaking. Soon, she would be unable to move around. It was only a matter of time. And even if he didn’t drink the potion before initiating the swap, it wasn’t like his body was going to survive much longer anyway.

After Bobbie gave the present to her during secret santa, Clara had foolishly used the necklace to astral project into other students. As one of the popular girls, she had an unhealthy desire to embarrass other people. 

Any girl almost as pretty as her would find their social life ruined after a night of possession. But things had backfired on Clara. After corrupting her soul by using the necklace a little too much, Bobbie was able to forcefully place himself inside of her.

And the best part about it all was that she knew what was going to happen. The fear in her eyes reassured Bobbie of that. “Sorry, this was a really dick move,” he said. “I didn’t want to exactly be a girl. But that body was starting to fall apart. Body hopping isn’t an easy business on the body. I wasn’t expecting that one to start rotting so quickly … but don’t worry. I won’t let your – MY body go to waste. See you around, BOBBIE!”



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