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"You look so beautiful tonight, Jess," Todd whispered in her ear as he squeezed her hand. "I'm so lucky to be with you."

"I'm the lucky one," Jessica replied, batting her eyelashes at him.  Her grip tightened around her current boyfriend's hand. "Look at all of them. They're so jealous of us."

Todd smiled at her as she rested her head on his shoulder. A sense of joy and confidence rushed through Jessica's chest as they walked through the crowded city street. Men were staring at her while other women glared with jealousy at what she had become. 

She used to be a small woman with tattered brown hair and rags for clothes. But after stealing her current body from a Swap Brothel, she didn't hesitate to cut all ties completely by forking over the damage deposit. Jessica was a trust fund baby who desperately wanted to be desired, but her old body wasn't cutting it.

So, she essentially bought her new body. All the girls in the catalog were cloned, empty vessels, so it wasn't like anybody would be missing their body any time soon.  Plus, it didn't hurt that the body came with an extra perk. Her busty appearance made her irresistible to men. Now that she had gained so much confidence in herself, she could have any man she wanted. She was a whole new person.

And Todd was the current man of her choice ... for now. He was the most attractive man she had ever seen in her life. He was tall, muscular, and had a perfect jawline. He was also rich and came from a family of high-powered lawyers. She wanted him and was willing to do whatever it took to make him hers until the next best man came along. She knew she was playing with fire by stringing along so many men, but she couldn't help it. She was addicted to the attention and the power she felt when she had them wrapped around her finger. It was exhilarating and addicting, and she had no intention of changing that.



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