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"I don't think so," Kylie said playfully while she smiled into the mirror. She could see Lindsay glaring at her from across the room. "Hey, maybe this is the universe's way of punishing you for not paying rent. I'll honestly take this as payment. Being your property manager was a pain in the ass, but now I have a second chance at life."

"But that's MY body," Lindsay yelled with her raspy throat. Kylie had been an unhealthy smoker, and after not taking care of her body, the difference between the two was night and day. Kylie felt so much better with Lindsay's young and fit body. "And you know that's not the universe's way of punishing us. You KNOW why this happened.”

Kylie ran her fingers through her long brown hair. “I don’t know why this happened. I just woke up after hearing MY boyfriend getting up for work. Such a handsome young man. I’m so lucky that you wanted to do this..”

”You used fucking magic to trick me!"

That much was true. Lindsay had wanted to speak with her dead grandmother after hearing that Kylie used to tell fortunes. It never paid well, but the older woman had a lot of fun doing that. Unfortunately, when the two women sat at Lindsay's kitchen table, it wasn't a communication spell that they were using. It was a spell that swapped the bodies of those willing to take part in the spell. And because Kylie had no plans on switching back, the spell wouldn't have worked even if they tried. "Well, bad things happen to bad people I guess. Run along now, I have a life to live."



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