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When Carter woke up, his head felt like it was being split open. He found himself in a room surrounded by a rainbow of colors before a blinding light forced him back into bed. He shivered and moaned, and that’s when he realized he sounded different. Minutes went by, and an ominous silence filled the room while he stirred in the bed. Things felt so different as he rose from bed. 

He immediately noticed that his dark skin was gone. His slimmer and softer legs were pale as snow as he crossed them in bed. He ran his slender fingers along the curves of his body while he stared down at firm breasts that jiggled with every movement. “Mehgan?” He called out.”

“I’m still here,” his neighbor said. His eyes darted around the room and locked onto the happy witch. “How does it feel?”

Something warm seemed to be coming from between his legs where his cock used to be. He curiously prodded his dainty clit, and he immediately recoiled. “Holy shit,” he said. “I’m actually … I’m actually a woman now. Your magic’s actually real.” He poked himself in the same spot again, this time gentler, and he found the perfect pressure to stimulate himself. His moans became louder. “Jesus, this is what I’ve been missing out on, huh?”

“There’s a lot more to being a woman,” Mehgan said playfully. “You can explore the sexual things later. Why don’t I put some clothes on you first?”

For the first time in his life, his chest gushed with joy. It was the weirdest feeling, especially since he never cared about fashion in general. But just imagining himself in the cutest outfits made him eagerly hop out of bed to try things on. Life as a girl was going to be a wonderful new experience for him, and he had Mehgan to thank for that.



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