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Part 2

Part 3 

When Jessica first moved into her dorm room, she constantly felt like she was being watched and judged. She was a transgender woman who had a hard time making friends. She was a skinny person with short black hair and an overly large nose. After nearly a month of feeling alone, she decided to get a part-time job as a laboratory assistant. Since she was doing a biology undergrad, the work experience was going to do her a lot of good.

But there was something a little off with the work she was doing. Everything seemed so sketchy, and safety precautions weren’t being taken. George was the worst of them all and constantly left his messes behind. One day, Jessica was cleaning up after him when a beaker of green liquid fell over and splashed all over her. She let out a horrifying scream when the liquid started to cover her entire body. She became engulfed by the liquid from head to toe, and a fizzing sensation made her writhe uncomfortably on the ground.

By the time she woke up, she was in a hospital room covered by a warm blanket. George was at her bedside with a worried look on his face. “You’re finally awake. Holy shit … do you remember who I am?”

“Yeah … you’re George. What happened?” George held up a mirror. Jessica’s jaw dropped. Her entire body had transformed. Her jaw had narrowed, her brown eyes were now light blue, and long blonde hair hugged her shoulders. She reached down and squeezed her new breasts, and a ripple of pleasure shot through her. Something was leaking between her legs, and when she lifted her gown, her cock was gone. In its place was a slit and a throbbing clit that she poked curiously. She moaned softly before remembering George was with her. “What did you do to me?”

“I don’t know, but you’re going to get me one hell of a raise…” He said as she put on her old clothes.



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