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“There isn’t a way to reverse this,” Jamie truthfully  said while Tammie’s dad demanded that she stop possessing his daughter’s body. Jamie was in the gym taking pictures of her new body when the father began yelling at her. “I can’t just undo it. Especially when her soul can’t come back.”

It was all too late - Bill couldn’t do anything now. Tammie’s soul was completely absorbed into Jamie’s mind. There was no way to separate them at this point. After weeks of possessing her body, Jamie had become Tammie forever.

“I’ll bring this up with the police,” he said threateningly. “You’re going to give my daughter her body back. Do you understand, Jamie? This is way too low, even for you.”

Jamie laughed and crossed her legs. Running her fingers through her soft, blonde ponytail, she felt a sense of excitement when she watched Bill floundering for an insult or threat. The older man had ruined her business by fraudulently taking her savings away. Unable to fully retire, she used the last of her savings to have a witch place her soul into the body of somebody who wronged her. Bill’s daughter was the perfect victim for this.

“Nobody would believe you,” she said. “You’re a convicted felon. You may have served your time, but your word is as good as any other liar’s word. Here’s my suggestion. Live the rest of your pitiful life while I take care of my gorgeous body. I still have a few more reps to do.” A wicked smile crept over Jamie’s lips when Bill’s face twisted with defeat. The ex-con knew he couldn’t do anything at this point. He was trapped in a corner, and Jamie felt a sense of victory over the man who financially ruined her. “I’ll see you later, ‘daddy.’”



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