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Hi everybody.

I want to write a few lines expressing my gratitude for your support to the channel.

I would love to do more for you guys and I am open to suggestions. 

I want to start by explaining why my Patreon Crew are so important to the channel:

Your financial support has, so far, enabled me to buy better audio equipment (maybe you have noticed that in my last videos) and I am planning to invest more in audio, editing software and more things. 

Without you I would not be able to do this.

The second thing that you are really helping me with is your preview of my videos. I am counting on you guys to keep me from posting things that might put the channel in disrepute. It is hard to monitor all parameters myself and the fact that you guys can watch the video, and comment, before everyone else is an important safety net for me.

Always feel free to come with constructive feedback to all my videos. I am always striving to get better and I need your help to do so.

Thank you again again my friends. 

Have a fantastic day!


PS: I have noticed that it is very hard to schedule a hangout that suits everybody, every month.

 I would like to ask all of you, on the applicable pledge level, to send me a message when you have some time over and we can send up a hangout. 

Also, always feel free to ask any questions you might have and I will do my best to answer them. :DS




Seriously...is that what you clicked?


Thats sooooooooooooo beautiful