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Canonically, there are no hybrids in TWB, so couples like Howie and Cassie, and Jake and Pirta, can't have kids. But, several years ago, a reader suggested, if they could, a potential offspring of Jake & Pirta, might look sort of like a "reverse Pirta". :)

Something like a bushier skunk-like tail, a skunk stripe, and grey rosettes over black fur. I blew off the idea back then, but a recent conversation on another board reminded me of it. I'd been trying to think of a subject for my next scribbling, and thought why not?

Basically stealing a page of Tom Fischbach's playbook. :) Call this a sort of "alternate universe". I sure won't be able to build it up as much as Tom has with his "AU", but it  still ought to be fun to fiddle around with some alternate characters. :)

This one didn't quite come out as I'd expected, limited largely by my art skills, but practicing those is part of the reason for this kind of thing anyway. :D

Any suggestions for a name? [edit] 'Stormy' was suggested by Tigermark, and I like that. Unless anyone has a better suggestion? :)

(And for those interested, there's a somewhat more spotty version below for the $5-and-up patrons. :) )







Its a fun idea and looks good too.


Stormy, even though she does look very serene here.


oh snazzy look


I like the name Pharrah.


Ya gotta wonder if Doc knows any "Mad Scientist" geneticits...




Regardless of her name, she definitely inherited her mom's R-50 fur coat.


Oh! I like how the gentics of both of her parents shine through! :-) Snella?


Debbie. I'm with you on no hybrids, but this is pretty good. I'm sorry this isn't a real coat pattern.


With a crazy punch too plus the OTHER trigger? DANGER, DANGER MR ROBINSON!


Stormy's a good name. I'm not seeing the ... spottier ... version though?


The spottier version being referred to as "below" is not in this post if that is where you are looking for it. It is the drawing in a separate NSFW post, available to patrons at the $5USD (or higher) tier level, which shows up in the posting list BELOW this one for those who have access.


What about Angel? Her spots do look like eyes.


I need some help. The "spottier" version of the drawing shows to be locked, for me. It says I can "Unlock this post by becoming a patron" And "Join now for $5 per month". I am already a $5 patron, and have been for ages. Why is this content locked? Suggestions?


If you list the postings of just Doc there are other $5 USD tier postings. If they are all still locked for you then it isn't something with just this one post. Patreon is not recognizing that you are a member of the $5 USD rewards tier. I don't know if this is the cause of your issue but I would suggest checking your membership status of Doc to see if you are actually recognized as a member of the $5 USD tier and not just a $5 USD contributor. I believe it is possible on Patreon to contribute to someone without being a rewards tier member. Might need to edit your membership and select an actual tier button/link where the system enters the amount and not just you manually entering a dollar amount. (To avoid any chance of double billing you might consider dropping the membership on the 31st and then re joining on the 1st.)


From the looks of things, that's not all she inherited from her mom


This is the clean version, so I kept my comment tasteful.