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The scheduler for TWB is currently being migrated off a 'cloud' server and onto a private one. There may be minor issues, please stand by.

Currently, Monday's comic links back to 2003, because I was an idiot and mis-set said scheduler. :) And as I don't have access to it at the moment, I can't fix it.

Things should be back in order shortly, we thank you for your patience. :)



Sorry again, ladies and gents- and anyone in between. :) Today's comic has nothing to do with the server thing, which is pretty well settled.

I  had a hot project on the table, that had to be finished- I'd already procrastinated a bit too long on it. (Thanks in large part to the extra time I'd spent on the mill this last week.)

On top of that, I gave myself a sort of low-level chemical burn on both my hands. I was using sodium hydroxide to strip some anodized parts, and if any of you have used that, you'll know if you get it on your skin, it starts to dissolve the top layers.

It doesn't hurt- unless you have a couple small cuts, which I did- and it's not "lose your hands" nasty, at least with light exposure. What it does is makes your hands feel greasy- like they're covered in soap, but you can't wash it off.

I was using my usual  black nitrile gloves, which are quite resistant to the stuff, but I was also using used ones, since after working with chemicals like this, I just strip them off and toss them. Both, unfortunately, had small holes, so I wound up wearing the lye for about half an hour.

I've since washed, showered and scrubbed, and they still feel sticky and nasty.

No worries, I've done it before, and there's no lingering effects. They'll be fine by tomorrow.

Should be caught back up by Thursday's update. Thanks again for your patience!




Cloudless is a good choice (computer scientist here).


Well, if that's the biggest battleship you sink today, I doubt you'll get too many complaints!

Mr. Shy Guy

I agree. I also work in IT and cloud storage/hosting is not some magical technology, it just means that you're putting your stuff on someone else's computer.


Of course I could not resist checking out the glitch, but the link to Monday's comic was fine by the time I got there. So I clicked on "first comic" and you can probably guess what followed. About an hour or so later I was on http://www.the-whiteboard.com/autowb141.html and the link to the next page took me to autowb3756, i.e. today's comic. So I edited the URL to autowb142.html, and the forward links on that page point to autowb3758.html, which displays a broken image. Next I checked the option box with the comic dates ... and lo and behold, 2003-05-09 (autowb141) appears twice in that list. As does 2003-05-12. Spooooky.


Don't worry about it, it happens. The main thing is that you gave us heads up. Hope you can fix it soon


The Internet is just a series of tubes. Probably even the Romans had one :)


I _knew_ there was a comic about it ... "guess what followed" has been quite precisely depicted on 2004-06-02 :-D


We cool.

mike stone

Try rinsing your hands in club soda or white vinegar. The mild acid might break down some of the saponification from the lye.


I recently retired from programming as a career, about 45 years. Never did a paid job on a vacuum tube machine but did play with a Univac with mercury column memory


The "slippery like soap" feeling is from the hydroxide converting fat in your skin into soap. As mentioned above that's called saponification.

Tiger in man's clothing

Saving to the Cloud: How to get your material stolen by big companies. I save nothing to the cloud, I save to my 1T SSD and take it with me if I need to work on my laptop.


Idk if it's the glitch fault or not but just in case. the comic stripe halloween 2016 is gone? All i get is a white screen