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Since Mark's obviously-non-canon comic went over like the proverbial lead balloon, here's a combination of something I've gotten several requests for: A) a beefcake shot of one of the guys, and B) a pic of the new guy. :)

Just a quick sketch so far, of course, but I'll finish it up and color 'im as time permits.





Naysayers just don't know how to appreciate, and Mythbusters proved a lead balloon can float.


i thought it was cool comic


I found the comic darkly humorous fwiw.

Lord Chaos

I enjoyed the story arc. Dark comedy is still comedy.


sure love the "blerp" face...among the rest lol

Joel Kreissman

When he first showed up I thought the Observers had retconned it so Cara’s cafe failed and she’d just sold it to that guy.


He could be related to Pirta. Sneps aren't that common like foxes or polars, plus, with that tongue out, he certainly shares her attitude.

Tom Hancock

To heck with that guy, where's Miki?

Jenifur Charne

My thoughts, posted on the main forum, was that the coffee shop was still owned by Zelmo, and that's who was behind the counter.


Everybody loves snowies :)

Cult of Dust

Sure wouldn't mind seeing more of him 😏

J. Cook

And I wager it's a nice view? *waggles eyebrows*


Frosty the Snow Leopard... had a lovely set of abs... Working at the shop, Miki's lollipop - taking bets on what she grabs. Frosty the Snow Leopard... didn't really care that much... 'Cause the perks were good in this neighbourhood - and he'd come through in the clutch.