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Trying to get back into the swing of normal color art, and I don't think I'm doing too bad, considering the slapdash book sketch I started with, but holy crap am I out of practice. This took me several hours longer than it should have.

Workin' my way towards regular comics starting back up this coming Monday, but reserving the right to keep going with sketches a little while longer, if I need to, as I don't seem to be recovering quite as fast as I'd hoped.

Again, thanks for your patience, and as always, thanks for your readership and support!




Matthias Urlichs

Take your time. Meanwhile we're happy to see that she has enough up front to balance her tail. Or is that the other way 'round?)

Tygr Polytech

With a nurse like her taking care of you, we wouldn't blame you in the least for taking your time to recover.

Welsh Rat

Alaskan hospitals keep a Pirta Nurse for snow clearances. She just walks towards the drifts and they melt.


In the immortal words of Yakko and Wakko..... "HELLOOOOOOO NURSE!"


On the end of the bed in yesterday's comic it said "Dew every 20 minutes"

Luke Cai

Lookin' good! How long do your color sketches usually take?


If this is out of practice, sir, may I say I look forward to seeing your creations that satisfy your aesthetics?


Not "Dew by continuous gastrointestinal administration"? (Just pump it directly into his stomach.)


So do most of the patients, staff, and administrators. (Not that we mind most of the last becoming unavailable...)


That's only administered if the patient misbehaves. Lingering is allowed so long as there's proper compensation.


Sneps (SNow lEoPardS) are very well-balanced. It comes from adapting to mountainous terrain.

Wild Card

Another sketch week while you get back into full gear is fine. Do not rush yourself.


Ancient wisdom of coaches all over the world: You push too hard, you're going to break yourself again and end up taking five times as long to get back into shape. Slow and steady wins the race. Why don't you draw us all the girls in that nurse outfit, one a day? that never gets old...


Also, why don't you ink and color that ceesecake strip of Miki and her beau on the sofa you did a while back? I't love to see that!


Happy birthday to me! And the day after. Never asked for those sketches and im not complaining either. Thanks for the birthday gifts Doc!


You need to feel well to feel like making art. Don't push yourself too hard. We would all rather see you getting better first.