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Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for your patience during my impromptu hiatus.  I wish I'd had a solid buffer to cover events like that, but that's just how it goes.

TWB will be back to daily updates, but for this coming week will likely be just sketches and filler gags. I hope to be back to full color regular updates next Monday, but possibly earlier if I'm feeling up to it.

As always, thank you all for your support, and I hope to keep providing you more TWB-off-the-wall-ness for years to come. :)




Glad to hear your recovery is progressing.


Hooray! Glad to know you're feeling better.

Darque Hellmutt

🎆🎇✨👙...uh, scratch that last one...

Walter Loy

Your health comes first. Glad you're perking up again.


You have given us years and years of derangement, er, entertainment at no charge - if you need time to be sick, sobeit. You just take care of yourself and get well, damnit!


SO glad you're at least sorta back! Hope the recovery is fast and painless (ha!) and that you don't go stir crazy. But thanks for the update, & get healthy!


good to hear you're on the mend! keep up the good work!

Lord Chaos

You were gone? Well welcome back. Really. Welcome back.


Good to hear you're better now! If you can't find some Estus or a Stim-Pack, you can try tequila. It will either get you up, or kill you outright.

mike stone

Glad to hear you're feeling better Doc. Hunter Cressall from Vexxarr apparently got in touch with you independently, but asked me to pass along his concern for your health.. or at least his hope that the other guy got it worse. ;-)


Bad enough to visit the hospital? I'm surprised you're back this early!


Hospital stays are the WORST. I dropped last June and was in for over a week. Miserable....miserable! Glad you're out and getting better. Just stay down as long as you need.