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Got a box in the mail, which was kind of a surprise. A 'surprise' because usually I know what's heading in, as it's something I've either already been talking to the customer and know it's on the way, or I'd ordered something and know about when it's due.

This came in, addressed to the shop, but from an atypical vendor.

Turns out it was a very nice gift basket from a local touristy type place called Alaska Wild Berry Products. Candies, smoked salmon, a summer sausage, some ground coffee, caramel corn, a hunk of smoked cheddar, etc.

And in with it was a card from my hosting company apologizing for the recent outage, and thanking me for my patronage.

I thought that was, in fact, actually kind of nice of them. I don't know if I was the only one to get one (they have a lot of corporate clients, I may be one of the few individual clients) or if they sent one to everyone affected, but either way, that was a nice thought.




Welsh Rat

That is good of them. Perhaps they read your comic and decided tthey didn't want you as an enemy?

Cult of Dust

All the memories of 'genuine moose nugget' products...


As a human being I'd say "Oh sweet, at least they're making amends and show their customers that they are sorry!" - But as an analyst I'd be forced to point out that a) a gift basket is way cheaper than a lawsuit, b) they're probably trying to forestall cancellation cheaply, c) you'd get more out of your money if they invested it in competent personel, d) had they done that in the first place, they wouldn't have reason to send out gift baskets now and e) that's paid for with your money and you'd be better off with a proper refund.


Corporate customers got a NextGen Tesla with a cheese-basket in the trunk.


In other news -- now you have a block of cheese to test your Small Kinda-Mill-Shaped Object on.