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Wow, looks like were right at 99% of the way to the next milestone, finally. :) I might have to actually go out and buy a webcam and figure out how all this "make a video" thing actually works...

I wish I had some extra art or a neat sketch to show you, but all my time is taken up right now either in the shop or on a couple of TWB projects you'll get to see in a couple of weeks.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the Halloween storyline! :)




Still cannot access the comic... just get "Connection Time-out" page. Have been unable to see comic for months now... Have tried it on multiple devices and multiple connections... Old and freshly formatted...

Joseph Houk

Have you tried refreshing your browser? It's been up for a week and a half.


If you use Windows 10, DO NOT GET A LOGITECH WEBCAM. The driver on their website "compatible with Windows 10" specifically says in it's release notes "Installs on Windows 8 only." ...I have found, to my dismay, that the patch notes appear to be correct. :(


I have a Logitech webcam (specifically, a C922x), and I can assure you that it works *perfectly* with Windows 10. I didn't even have to do any kind of manual install, I just plugged it in, and five seconds later Win10 had found the correct driver and configured it.


Refreshed the browser, tried 3 different pc's, reinstalled windows, tried my mobile phone and my tablet. nada...


okay, so once again, my ISP, that doesn't interfere with my browsing is the problem... works fine when I bypass the ISP. You're supposed to have less crap on Fibre, not more...


I've had the same Logitech webcam since shortly before the release of windows 8... I've never installed a driver for the thing and it's always worked perfectly. Running windows 10 now and no issues...


Here's a new reader question: Do you have an RSS feed for The Whiteboard? I can't find it at any of the usual URLs.


Hmm. My C920 hates me, then. Guess I'll fight with it further when I get home.

Wild Card

This explains a problem I had running the webcam at a group meeting from my Windows 10 laptop. Same webcam works fine on my Windows 7 laptop.

Duncan Gibbs

I'm pretty sure there was one years ago... not sure if there still is


Brand new reader here, just stumbled across this strip and going to start following it. I use Feed43 to make my own feeds - here's the one I just created for Whiteboard (will only work from today's strip forward): <a href="http://feed43.com/6315865263086855.xml" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://feed43.com/6315865263086855.xml</a>