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One, my apologies for the "outage" on the comic. Tuesday's didn't update properly, and I only had time to fix the front page. Wednesday's update should have sorted that out, but apparently it glitched too. I went in and manually fixed everything, so it should all be back up to 100% again.

Thanks to everyone who warned/notified/panicked about it. :) I usually catch it first thing in the morning (my morning, not you East-coast types who are practically heading off to lunch when it's still 'morning' up here :) ) but sometimes my schedules get ahead of me.

And two, you'll note a new list of "tags" to the left there. I should have been "tagging" posts from the beginning, but only kind of just got around to it. (See "time", above. :)

Patreon only allows five "featured" tags, and each post can only have five tags in total. If you click on one of the 'featured' tags, there will be a list of other, non-featured tags under it. Eventually I should get it figured out and make it so most posts can be relatively easily found, even if it's not "featured".

"First Sidestory" is Roger's tale of what Doc & Cara did once they left the bar that first night. I may still rename that "tag", but I'm thinking I'll keep the sidestories (I hope to do more) on one tag so they'll be more easily found.

"Roger's Run", the first few strips of the robot battle, are under "extra comics" rather than a "sidestory", since it's only a few strips out of a longer storyline.

And "NSFW" will likely be demoted to a non-featured tag before too long. It'll still be a tag, it just won't be right there on the "first thing everyone sees" public column.



J. Cook



FYI: While speaking about glitches, as a new reader I recently started from the very beginning. Quite some comics had a text underneath them - and it appears that on (all? most?) of them, the last character is missing.

John Ridley

Doc, the front page comic is dead again (April 11 7:50AM EDT)


Please give the server hamster another Dew and 2 bags of cheetos this time Doc, it's fallen off the wheel again


Stardate: April 12th, 8:04 AM --- the comic continues to fail to update on its own. However, Swamps dirty mind may one day provide us with cheesecake on Jessi, so sprits are still high.