Just in case... (Patreon)
2017-12-15 12:01:16
Friday's strip posted, both a tad early (yeah, like a few minutes :) ) for you nice people, and in case my hosting service decides to flake out on us for the third time this week. :)
Not 100% happy with the perspective of the scene, but really, it took a lot of fiddling just to make it look that good.
In case the layout isn't clear, the round thing at the far end indicates where the High Energy Physics Lab used to be, and the passage to the right of it is the side hallway that Roger and Jinx 'bounced' down to get out of the way.
The rooms to either side of Doc were hinted at by the doorways shown in the cross-corridor seen when Roger was running from the drones, and are just various labs and equipment storage.